拜託拜託!幫忙翻譯一下英文><20點急需> - 空氣污染

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-04-27T00:00

Table of Contents

自從有人類以來,為了求生存以及求更好的生存環境,人類不斷向大 自然爭取生存空間,成為影響環境變遷的因素之一。人類居住越久、假以時日演化成森林縮小、土壤流失、水污染、空氣污染、降 低生物的多樣性、沙漠化,甚至可能導致全球氣候變遷。
事實上 , IPCC (Intergovenmental Panel for Climate Change)的報告在發表前會與各國的外交官再巴黎齊聚一堂,逐字審查最後定稿 , 過程中有可能更改用字或是刪除爭議性的發現 , IPCC報告會這麼保守,其實也反應了氣候變遷科學的現況。許多模式採用不同的暖化腳本來預測海平面上升程度,預估結果從18公分到59公分都有。而且,這些模式並未完全把格陵蘭和南極的冰河融化列入計算,這兩個地方的冰都在陸地上,撰寫模式的氣候學家無法把陸冰融化寫成簡單的方程式。格陵蘭和南極的冰河對海平面的潛在影響,可能比預估的更大。

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-04-28T19:03
but in fact you may know how many energies can let a star enhance his temperature to need, the desertification, the wooded area reduces largely, sounds to be very serious? In fact what is most serious is the climatic change, the warming causes the ice layer to break up the serious influence ocean current. The ocean current is affects the climate a big factor, because the ocean current change makes the fierce occurrence frequency to enhance the intensity to strengthen originally, recalled that in 2009 ~2010 year global climate is unusual, moreover comes to make one be caught off guard, the warming lets melt the accelerated flow, causes the earthquake, the volcano recrudescence frequency to promote largely How between both to coexist Since the 18th century 1990 starts, greenhouse gas's content fast climbing, was mainly because of petrochemical fuel widespread use forest big area felling, for the more comfortable life humanity intense not has stopped the completely plundering claim to the nature, but in fact the natural resource was limited does not look like thought in the past, so long as I wanted to be possible to take freely. Some people thought that worried is in any case straight these many why for what purpose ship to the bridge head nature. How if I don't enjoy on Earth's resources that my company to today transport business, I will live or will change so bad, oneself quickly could not eat to the full, how can worry the global warming the subject? Does not use the transportation vehicle to spend the how much time to arrive at the destination, does not have the electricity the life is so terrorist. The day has wanted, but our Earth also only then, must find a balance point in this not to be easy. Present situation which we indeed need to obtain from the nature needs the resources which can maintain live now, moreover does not have may deny, but because warms the disaster which brings also according to just conclusively,
George avatar
By George
at 2010-04-28T17:47
How serious is global warming in the end?
After a man has to survive and seek a better living environment, nature, human beings continue to strive for survival, to become one of the factors affecting the environment changes. Human living longer, in time evolved into the forest reduced soil erosion, water pollution, air pollution, reduce biological diversity, desertification, and may even lead to global climate change.
IPCC official documents may have underestimated the problem of climate change
In fact, IPCC (Intergovenmental Panel for Climate Change) report released before the diplomats with the countries gathered in Paris again, word for word review finalized, the process may change or delete the controversial use of the word discovery, IPCC report will be so conservative, in fact reflects the status of climate change science. Many different models to predict the script warming degree of sea level rise, the predicted results from 18 cm to 59 cm have. Moreover, these models are not entirely the Greenland and Antarctic ice melting into account, the two parts of the ice on land, climate scientists can not write mode to write a simple land ice melting formula. Greenland and Antarctic glaciers on the potential impact of sea level may be greater than expected.


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-04-27T00:00
現在常常聽到的綠色環保,到頭來還是需要每一個人的配合與支持,積極尋找更多替代的資源,物質上的浪費可以 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-04-25T00:00
因課程�� ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-04-25T00:00


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-04-25T00:00
臺灣恐怕是氣候變遷下的暖化災民 ??
不是不 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-04-25T00:00
看完正負二度C之後他說就算全球關燈一年全球暖化還是會持續一段時間那我們要如何改善為何不把東部的一些樹�� ...