請高手幫忙批改我的英文自我介紹 - 偏鄉

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-03-18T00:00

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請高手幫忙批改我的英文自我介紹,謝謝 !
Hello professors, I am XXX. I am studying YP high school in Taipei. My father is a doctor. My mother is a pharmacy. However, my brother was diagnosed with cleft palate when he was born. Under the influence of my brother’s diseases and my father’s medical profession, To be a doctor has been my dream since I was young.
I am easygoing and outgoing. I also like interacting with other people. During high school, I have been the chairman of the preparatory of student union. (學生會籌備會主席).And this experience cultivated my ability of communication and expression. I have also done the voluntary in the hospital. During this session, It fostered my empathy and patience. This also strengthens my ambition to study medicine.My favorite hobby is cycling and traveling. I think cycling can help me release my stress of schoolwork. As for traveling, I can be exposed to different cultures during the trip. What’s more , it can broaden my horizons.I firmly believe the educational mission of TMU will turn me into an excellent doctor. I hope I have the chance to practice medicine in rural area (偏鄉地區)and join related medical group in the future to help those who are in need.
請教大師: it can broadens my horizons. can 後面不是要用原形,為什麼 broaden 要加s
?? 謝謝!
2 個已更新項目:
I hope I could have the chance …
I hope I have the chance ….這兩句語意上有什麼差別?
I think cycling can helps me 應該也不需加s , 對吧?
3 個已更新項目:
感謝大師詳盡的解析! :)
因為是要用在面試的自介,只要文法上沒有太大的衝突,我會力求簡單,另外,下面兩句如果我想用第二種說法OK 嗎? 不好意思 ! 我的問題有點多,希望不會造成您太多的困擾.
1.During studying in the high school,
2.During my high school years,
Tags: 偏鄉

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Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2014-03-20T17:14
Hello Dear respected professors,
I am XXX. I am studying YP high school in Taipei. My father is a doctor. My mother is a pharmacist. However, my brother was diagnosed with cleft palate when he was born. Under the influence of my brother’s diseases and my father’s medical profession, to be a doctor has been my dream since I was young.
I am easygoing and outgoing. I also like interacting with other people. During studying in the high(senior high or junior high?) school, I had been the chairman of the preparation of student union. (學生會籌備會主席).And this experience cultivated my abilities of communication and expression. I had also done the voluntary volunteered to serve in the hospital. During this session, It fostered my sympathy and patience. This also strengthened my ambition to study medicine.
My favorite hobbies is are cycling and traveling. I think cycling can helps me release my stress of schoolwork. As for traveling, I can be exposed to different cultures during the trip. What’s more , it can broadens my horizons.
I firmly believe the educational mission of TMU will turn me into an excellent doctor, and I hope I could have the chance to practice medicine in a remote rural area (偏鄉地區)and join related medical group in the future to help those who are in need.
2014-03-18 11:45:29 補充:
I am XXX 後之句點,請改為逗點。
2014-03-18 16:32:24 補充:
我記得是在時間副詞如will , should等後之動詞才使用原形,不過此點,我會再查証。
2014-03-18 17:18:30 補充:
2014-03-19 22:37:26 補充:
I hope I could have the chance …
I hope I have the chance ….這兩句語意上有什麼差別?

通常在祈望語句如wish , hope等,其後之can , will , shall 等都應以過去式could, would, should來表達才正確, 因祈使句是假設語句的一種。
而can + 原形動詞的部分,一律照前所言的改過來,至於副詞+動詞 之動詞是否均必須是原形,我對這點一直是混淆的,我必須好好的再查一下。
2014-03-19 22:51:31 補充:
以上我講了祈望句應使用過去式,忘了解釋 could 這字的意思。
I hope I could have the chance
could 在此句內的意思,是"可以"的意思,但是帶有"希望"的意味。
2014-03-19 22:52:18 補充:
說到使用過去式,於此僅對 could , would ,should做說明。非對一般動詞。
如 原句寫成 i hope I had the chance.....
2014-03-20 10:37:06 補充:
During my high school years


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