請幫忙翻譯一下這篇英文關於傳播20點急... - 社會議題

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-05-11T00:00

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Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-05-11T14:26
In recent years, the news media usually use a bold head headline, in great quantities use photograph, vivid language and emphasize the vision report of sense, interest in the private realm and the private life, to the peeping of morals weakness, relevant scandal, chitchat.This type of news that protect to lead BE, everything takes market benefit as most plateau is then, if mutually disobey with journalism principle, will also take market benefit as a consideration, rather than take public benefit as basis.
Be public person, its behavior how much will be enlarged to examine, after all their influence to the society is higher and have news value.Particularly, the Apple Daily gets into Taiwan and has nothing to do with the public subject benefit public person to private life and place at the magnifier bottom to examine, announce in many, satisfy a reader to peep desire and create profits.The gossip news surely satisfied to read to listen to person high interest in public topic of the person privacy and make public the hypocritical mask of public person, however, some time, the report indeed excessive ground of news media freedom that did ill public person.Consequently, I think that the media can make an appropriate report under the sistuation that not endanger public person privacy.


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-05-11T00:00
稍為說明一下,我是護理系的,因為想多了解青少年的發展和想法,所以希望大家能幫個忙問題有一點多只希望能 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-05-11T00:00
如題~我保的是國泰,最近因為要生產了~想請教我保的這類型保單,對我生產有何補助??保險附約全意住院醫療健康保 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-05-11T00:00
我想知道烏龍派出所1~300多集的順序和影片名稱,像第1集兩津警官的出現這樣。因為我適用foxy下載的,沒有數字�� ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-05-11T00:00
職業駕駛執照審驗怎麼去辦理呢(須攜帶甚麼資料)呢為什麼會收到監理所寄來的單子呢審驗需要花錢嗎~辦理的時間 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-05-10T00:00