2008 Sovereign Hill。Ballarat - 墨爾本

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-05-10T18:41

Table of Contents

有關Ballarat和Sovereign Hill等Travelogs...
請參考圖文並茂 http://blog.yam.com/jingxuan/article/18408400


11 Nov:Sovereign Hill and Gold Museum of Ballart
[食誌]Southern Cross Station:Food Court Breakfast [8 Apr Completed]
[遊誌]Ballarat:Ballarat Station and Ballarat Town [14 Apr Completed]
[食誌]Sovereign Hill:Snacks Lunch at Refreshment Kiosk [16 Apr Completed]
[遊誌]Sovereign Hill of Ballarat_Part 1 [24 Apr Completed]
[遊誌]Sovereign Hill of Ballarat_Part 2 [30 Apr Completed]
[遊誌]Sovereign Hill:Gold Museum [6 May Completed]
[遊誌]Return Way:V-Line and Sunset Shots [8 May Completed]
[食誌]Melb. City:Pho Bo Ga Meekong Vietnam Cuisine [10 May Completed]


※ 引述《scsdoidoi (JiNn~^^~)》之銘言:
: 去年11月臨時決定到墨爾本探望家人和旅行 規劃了10天8夜的行程...
: 所有10天的行程陸續寫在Blog中...墨爾本市區部分已經完成...
: 請參考如下...旅遊天氣為春天 天氣涼爽 而且墨爾本的天空和綠地野花真是美不勝收
: 圖文並茂版: http://blog.yam.com/jingxuan/article/18408400
: 文字摘要如下:
: Melbourne and Victoria Suburbs for 10 days 8 nights:
: ●Confirmed schedules (after discussion with Betty on 9 Nov):
: Before Trip:
: [遊誌]Before Trip:AUS, Melbourne and Victoria Suburbs Trip [05 Nov
: Completed]
: 8 Nov:Outward Flight and transter at Manila Airport
: [遊誌]Outward:Phillippine Airline and Manila Airport [21 Nov Completed]
: [食誌]Airline Vegetarian Meal、Goldilocks Snacks and etc [21 Nov Completed]
: [遊誌]Outward:Phillippine Airline and Melbourne Airport [21 NovCompleted]
: 9 Nov:Arrive in Melb and gather with Betty at Brunswick
: [食誌]Brunswick:Luncheon at Betty house [25 Nov Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. Transportation:City Circle Trams and etc [27 Nov Completed]
: 10 Nov and 15 Nov:Melbourne City Tour
: [食誌]Melb. City:Lunch at Univ. of Melbourne [29 Nov Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:St. Patricks Cathedral [03 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Parliament House、Windsor Hotel and etc [05 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Fitzroy Gardens、Treasury Gardens and etc [07 Dec
: Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Cooks' Cottage of Fitzroy Gardens [09 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral [11 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Federation Square and Melb. Visitor Centre [13 Dec
: Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Flinders Street Station and etc [15 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:State Library、Univ. of Melb. and etc [17 Dec Completed]
: [食誌]Melb. City:Boost、Snacks and Cadbury Chocolate [19 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Swanston Street and etc [22 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Bourke Street Mall and etc [26 Dec Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Melbourne Central Station [29 Dec Completed]
: [食誌]Melb. City:糖潮.Dessert House Eatery [01 Jan Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Docklands [07 Jan Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Melb. Chinatown [13 Jan Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Queen Victoria Market [06 Feb Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Floral Clock and Gardens etc [13 Feb Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:The Shrine of Remembrance [19 Feb Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Crown Casino [12 Mar Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Yarra River and Princes Walk [18 Mar Completed]
: [遊誌]Melb. City:Night Shots at Yarra River [25 Mar Completed]
: [食誌]Brunswick:Dinner at Betty House and Gelato


All Comments


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-05-09T14:11
小弟10月想去墨爾本自助旅行約3周 想請問板上的過來人單就食宿預算的問題準備旅費 目前是考慮全程住Kingsgate Hotel Double Economy 20天的費用在網路上查�� ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-05-07T23:27
※ 引述《dp814082 (dp814082)》之銘言: : 剛來墨爾本不久 : 很多資訊都不熟 : 有聽說可以拿免費中文報紙,不知道要去哪拿? : 有誰可以告訴我,墨爾本的�� ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-05-07T22:32
小弟這個月底到澳洲WHV 一開始預計會在墨爾本及阿得雷得待上約莫一個多月至兩個月左右 目前看到當地的氣溫是18~11 去年六月大概是15~8度上下 �� ...

除了gumtree, ptt 還有哪裡可以賣二手家具?

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-05-07T09:57
來了澳洲墨爾本過了一年的快樂日子 沒想到打算住三到四年的,現在卻要搬美國了(預計六月底離開) 結果當初才新買的電器現在基於安全考量,想說不� ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2009-05-07T04:49
這個月月底想去墨爾本玩 預計可能會停留約一個禮拜前後再離開 目前看到網頁是寫30au per night 想請問,住比較長時間(如一個星期或以上) 有比較� ...