7/21多倫多大學新生在台迎新說明會! - 加拿大

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2012-07-12T15:11

Table of Contents


多倫多大學台灣同學會將在7月21號舉辦 "2012台北多大新生迎新說明會",
內容都是精選的大一須知訊息。 歡迎大家踴躍前來,好康道相報,

名額有限,如欲參加,請請e-mail至 [email protected] 報名並附註以下資料,謝謝!

1. 前來人數
2. 姓名 (英文)
3. 所屬學院college跟校區campus
4. 就讀科系 program of study

* 費用: 免費!
* 時間: 7月21號 (星期六),下午2:00 - 4:30pm
* 地點: 伯朗咖啡館 - 南京二店2F會議室
* 地址:台北市 中山區 南京東路二段1號 (新生北路口)

-南京吉林路口: 5、12、棕9、紅25、266、282、288、292、306、307、


Are you going to be a U of T frosh this September?
Have you figured out how to register and enroll courses on ROSI?
Not sure about the level of difficulties of the courses in your program of study?
Is the university life that you're expecting different than what it really is?
Fellow U of T frosh in Taiwan, let us answer all your questions!

Taiwan Republic of China Student Association at the University of Toronto (ROCSAUT) is hosting a "2012 Taipei UTnewcomer Event" with a list of selected must-know topics. Feel free to join us and meet other U of T fellows!

Please RSVP via [email protected] and include the following information, thank you:
1. number of attendees
2. the names of attendees
3. the college and campus that the attendees belong to
4. attendees' program of studies

* Fee: free
* When: Saturday July 21st, 2:00-4:30pm
* Location: Mr. Brown Coffee - 2F meeting room.
No.1, Sec. 2, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City

多倫多大學台灣同學會 敬上
Taiwan Republic of China Student Association at the University of Toronto (ROCSAUT)


All Comments


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-07-11T16:31
你曾經到國外度假打工,有豐富的經驗想傳承? 你正在國外打工度假,有滿滿的心情想分享? 快來參加今年夏天最夯的「我的國外打工度假故事」活�� ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-07-05T00:29
大家好 想請問一下有關入境加拿大的事項 因為即將前往加拿大工作,最近這幾天才拿到雇主的offer letter跟LMO 請問是否要先前往CIC申請work permit, 還是�� ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-07-03T21:05
小弟7/7會到溫哥華待ubc待五星期 (1)請問長袖襯衫+薄外套(會再多帶針織衫)的穿著早上及晚上都是ok嗎(看氣溫好像16上下)?有需要多帶厚外套�� ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-07-03T03:19
※ [本文轉錄自 Vancouver 看板 #1FyBaf3e ] 作者: yule1224 (採了一些落花) 看板: Vancouver 標題: 如果要找鋼琴調音師,千萬別找這個人 時間: Mon Jul 2 04:55:01 2012 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-07-01T19:34
我是加拿大公民, 但從小就在台灣長大, 因為家庭背景的關係, 加拿大的親人並不會提供我任何幫助, 當然我也沒有認識任何加拿大人。(拿護照拿� ...