Anyone in BCN now!? - 西班牙

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2004-07-23T17:11

Table of Contents

i am in BCN now..
i wanna go to a disco this Saturday but noone wants go with me
they want to go to the disco without paying
it is their website
and there is a famouse DJ Luke Slater will come on Saturday night..
If anyone wanna go ..send me a message 0952326047


All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2004-07-24T14:18
I want to go, can I send you MSG ? XDD

Re: 西班牙的海灘文化

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2004-07-22T21:19
※ 引述《Ivanov (:))》之銘言: : 另外 離市區只要30分鐘鐵路可以抵達的 Sitges 的交通方便性就相對大增 I recommand this one!!!!!!! it is very cheap to get the ticket ( you can take the ticket in ...

Re: 西班牙的海灘文化

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2004-07-22T21:11
※ 引述《anthrop》之銘言: : btw, itand#39;s the home of Dali. : Thereand#39;s a museum of his house : 6 euro entrance for students : ※ 引述《Ivanov (:))》之銘言: : : 剛從那兒 ...

Go or not to go......

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2004-07-22T21:07
I am in BCN now , i have been to lots of disco and bar here.. (i can introduce everyone when i come back ..) I dont know if i should go to Ibiza... The h ...

Re: 嗨 大家好!!

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2004-07-22T15:43
到巴塞隆納要小心喔!! 有些人會冒充是便衣警察 要你拿出護照 其實他是要搶你的護照的!! 中華民國護照在黑市還蠻值錢的喔!! ※ 引述《naxos (matilda)》之銘言: : 今天初次來到這個版也覺得很開心 : 我們也是兩個女生8/7就要前往西班牙自助15天 : 到時候可以交流交流 : 對了我們會先 ...

Re: 嗨 大家好!!

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2004-07-22T01:30
今天初次來到這個版也覺得很開心 我們也是兩個女生8/7就要前往西班牙自助15天 到時候可以交流交流 對了我們會先飛到Madrid 再從Barcelona搭機回來 ※ 引述《hatestop (夏天)》之銘言: : 我是八月八號要出發到西班牙喔! : 預計待到九月五號:) : 先跟大家打聲招呼!! : 看 ...