Anyone want to share a double room in Melbourne City - 紐澳

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-01-29T21:43

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I am studying at Melbourne Uni, 3rd year of Actuarial Studies and Accounting
double Major.

Since I am planning to take CFA II exam in 2011 after I grauduate this yaer
I am thinking about sharing my room with another Finance major student who
I can study with and to save money for extensive stay in Melbourne City.

(Besides, I don't want to move to suburb since most of my friends are living in
city where I always study and hang out most of the time, and I work in city
as well.)

If you don't mind sharing a room with me and you're FEMALE who is studying
at Melbourne Uni as well, and you plan to become an Actuary, CPA, CFA or just
want to save money meanwhile staying in CBD while it is not affordable for you.

Please let me know!

The rent is AUD $600 a month. monthy internet/bill is about AUD $60-80.

I'm from Taipei.

I'd like to cook and bake at home if i find some new recipe i want to try
, and I play tennis, flute and PS3.

I'm learning French and golf now. I'd like to go clubbing and dancing camp
sometimes, and if you don't mind I'd like to drink and host home party a couple
of times during a semester.

By the way, I study hard... since I'm majoring in actuarial science and
accounting at the same time... and it's my final year in school when I found
my subjects quite challenging.

So I hope you will be a hard working person but party and play hard as well :D

please send me email: [email protected] if you have any interest in
discusssion about my suitability of becoming your roommate.


如果沒有問題的話,請按 Ctrl + y 以刪除此注意事項。
Then you may start, cheers. :) BY 澳紐板板主

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-01-29T20:43
※ [本文轉錄自 WorkanTravel 看板] 作者: unalis (我是維他曾) 看板: WorkanTravel 標題: [問題] 救命啊~虎航沒有寄確認信給我 時間: Fri Jan 29 20:43:17 2010 七點多�� ...

關於房租"in advance"很蠢的問題

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-01-29T20:39
之前遇到的房東或仲介都會講清楚固定哪天要付房租 現在這個房東交代房租要and#34;two weeks in advanceand#34; 但是我搞不懂到底是怎麼算,問了房東 他很理� ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-01-29T17:40
買菜若在chatswood 就去chase旁邊的華人店(有一個地下室的地方) 那邊有一些雜貨店蔬果店和肉店 但是我覺得以吃的來說chatswood還真的不方便 以我這種� ...

徵Telstra broadband((Brisbane))

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-01-28T22:10
如題...徵一台 Telstra broadband一隻加sim卡 人在Brisbane 因為快要去農場工作了....所以需要一個二手的網卡 意者回我信箱順便報價囉!!! 大感謝~~~ --

Town Hall

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-01-28T20:46
明天要跟朋友去QVB附近吃晚餐 因為是道別晚餐 所以想找可以坐比較久的地方 或是不錯的buffet 有大大有建議的地方嗎? 感恩 --