Aussie conned in internet love scam - 紐澳

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-11-25T11:08

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Aussie conned in internet love scam
AAP November 25, 2009, 6:15 am

Authorities say an Australian woman who fell in love online was duped out of
nearly $US50,000 ($A54,095) by a Nigerian man who said he was her Mr Right.

Lawal Adewale Nurudeen was sentenced to 19 years in prison and ordered to
repay the woman. On Monday, Nigeria's anti-graft agency said about $US9,300
($A10,061) that had been gathered so far would be returned.

Have you been scammed online? Leave your comments below.

Nigerian authorities say the 28-year-old man presented himself as a Briton
working in Nigeria for a multinational company.

Nurudeen told the 56-year-old woman he was a widower whose wife and only
child had died in a car accident.

Authorities say a few weeks later he called the woman, introducing himself as
a doctor and saying her "fiance" needed money for medical treatment following
an accident.

裡面的comment還蠻好笑的 XDD
Kristene 8 minutes ago
2 Days After Chat Online to one he said his son wanted to know what (MUM)
Meaning me was buying Him for His Birthday Lol then 2 days later son had
brain tumor needed $$$ for Operation

Take my hand,
You have to give me a chance.
I looked around and feel this time I can't pretend.
You're so light,
I'll make you fly through this night.
I can't keep on believe that you are all over my mind.

Tags: 紐澳

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