Berkeley 距Bart步行約五分鐘 - 北美

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-12-02T13:40

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※ [本文轉錄自 SanFrancisco 看板 #1Es667LD ]

作者: ti0715 () 看板: SanFrancisco
標題: [出租] Berkeley 距Bart步行約五分鐘
時間: Fri Dec 2 13:26:29 2011

幫朋友代PO 他是一個目前念BERKELEY 微生物的大四生(台灣人)

但是他自己是住在一個隔起來的小房間裡 所以基本上租屋的人會

地理位置:Walnut Ave.和 Hearst Ave.的交界
離校園與Bart Station大約都是五分鐘步行


附上一個衣櫃和書櫃 所以基本上承租的人只需要有床和書桌念書就好

最後 他有一隻很可愛的貓 他是個安靜的貓不太會叫都在睡覺

若您有興趣請寄信到:[email protected]


I am looking for a roommate now (male preferred)The studio is located at the
intersection of Walnut and Hearst Avenue. (Both very close to the campus and
the Bart station)
Even though it is a studio, there is a door divides the room into half, so
there will be separate living spaces.
If you come check it out, you will find this is really not a studio, but a
huge one bedroom with two separate spaces!
The room has perfect lighting and ventilation. I only need to turn on the
light at around 6pm.
I am looking for a roommate starting from December 1st or early December.

The rent is $600 per person. Water and gas are free. The internet and
electricity are about $25 ish per month per person.
I am a very friendly person and hoping to find a roommate asap.
Please contact me if you are interested.

Oh , and lastly, I am not a party person, nor a person who make loud noises,
so please don't worry about the quietness of the room.

Thanks for reading the post!

Regarding the furniture, I have extra cabinets and shelf, so pretty much the
only thing that you need is a bed and perhaps a desk to study.

Tags: 北美

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麥噹噹5份Big Mac漢堡和5份大薯$13USD

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-12-01T23:32
Living social有賣麥當勞5份Big Mac漢堡和5份大薯的coupon只要$13元 剩不到19小時就會結束銷售 要買就快喔! -- U Sav ...

downtown brooklyn 高級公寓 找室友

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-12-01T12:04
誠徵愛乾淨 愛安靜 室友(誠徵2名) 簡介: 1.房間就可以看到自由女神, view超級好 2.交通超級方便, R,A,C,F,G,2,3,4,5地鐵都有--andgt;去哪邊都方便(到grand ...

Target 購買滿$50美元, 送$10 gift card

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-12-01T00:40
Target 購買滿$50美元, 送$10 gift card 店內折價券 -- U Save Ahead 美國低價,折扣,免�� ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-11-28T13:17
如題 請問美國人習慣什麼時候收到聖誕卡呢? 如果從台灣寄過去的話 大約什麼時候寄會比較剛好? 另外 他們會介意收到現成的卡片嗎? 謝謝^^ --


David avatar
By David
at 2011-11-27T17:37
大家好 我是男的 考完期末考後想去波多黎各晃晃 因為有預感這是一生難得的機會 所以真的很想去 無奈旅館錢負擔不太起 想找人一起玩 我的日期比較� ...