Brisbane - Accounts Officer/Assistant Wanted - 紐澳

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-01-19T21:00

Table of Contents

Position: Accounts Officer/Assistant

Location: Brisbane CBD/Sunnybank

We are a small family business currently based at Brisbane CBD,
looking for a talented Accounts Officer/Assistant to join our team.

Job Description:
- book-keeping
- accounts payable/receivable
- payroll, supperannuation, PAYG
- taxation, Business activity statement (quartely & year end)
- other assigned office duties:
such as customer liaison, handling phone calls etc

Salary package negotiable

Applicants must:
- hold valid visa w permission to work
- demonstrate attention to detail, time management & numerical skills
- be able to work unsupervised and be very honest, trustworthy
- good written & verbal communication skills
- have strong computer skills, esp EXCEL spreadsheets
- accounting/finance degree/MYOB experience preferred but not essential

How to apply:
Please email your resume to [email protected]
& specify your contact details & available time for interview

Tags: 紐澳

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By Doris
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