Census 2010 is headed for miscount of Taiwanese-American - 移民

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-03-05T12:42

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Census 2010 is headed for miscount of Taiwanese-Americans

February 11, 3:57PM Taiwan Policy Examiner Michael Richardson

Taiwan’s longstanding unresolved international status keeps the island out
of the United Nations and the World Health Organization and has been
described by the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals as caught in “
political purgatory”. Taiwan’s purgatory extends to the United States
Census Bureau.

Although the Census Bureau is making efforts to avoid an undercount of
Taiwan-Americans, a perfect storm exists to cause a miscount. The Office of
Management and Budget determines the Census race question resulting in an “
apples and oranges” mixture of skin color, language, and nationality.
Persons of Asian heritage are given a list of countries and islands to chose
from except individuals from Taiwan.

Taiwanese-Americans who wish to be counted must check the “Other Asian” box
and then write in Taiwanese. In the 2000 Census, 144,795 persons were counted
as Taiwanese--but only on specialized tabulations of Asian respondents. For
the general population tally Taiwanese respondents were counted as Chinese.

The Taiwanese American Association thinks the 2000 number should have been
closer to a million based on information and data from the community. “We
strongly believe that the Taiwanese [population] was undercounted in the 1990
and 2000 Census.”

Making matters worse are the reported remarks of a Census official last year
that in 2000 a half-million people actually self-identified as Taiwanese. The
Republic of China in-exile cited the higher number on the official Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office website.

“David Choy, the Asian-Pacific Specialist at the U.S. Census Bureau’s
Seattle Regional Office said, that in the 2000 US Census 500,000 people
classified themselves as “Taiwanese” and filled in the blank space on the
census as such.”

Regardless if the 2000 Census saw 144,795 or 500,000 Taiwanese, what is a
person supposed to do with this year’s form?

A check with the Questionnaire Reference Book, the handbook for the Census
call-in centers where official answers are provided, has a “strategic
ambiguity” as confounding to understand as America’s “acknowledgment” of
the “one China” policy. Citizens and Census workers seeking directions on
the correct way for a Taiwanese-American to self-identify will not get an
easy answer to the Census Bureau’s own “Taiwan question”.

“Mark the “Chinese” box if this person indicates their race as “Chinese”
or identifies themselves as Cantonese or Chinese-American. In some census
tabulations, written entries of Taiwanese are included with Chinese while in
others they are shown separately.”

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2010-03-09T11:14
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-03-12T21:37
移民相關事務啊! 屬於移民後 權益伸張和族群串連的問題~
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-03-17T10:17
了解:) 感謝分享,也請大家多多轉錄囉 :D
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-03-21T09:28
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-03-23T18:10


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-02-26T11:54
我男友原本是綠卡身分,今年2月到了可以申請公民的資格, 申請的文件也於2月中寄出,而我OPT剛結束,打算在60天 的grace period申請另一個F-1,我們是打算等到我男友 拿到公民後,幫我轉身分(結婚綠卡),想請問一下, 如果我男友一拿到公民資格,然後我們兩個在美國結婚 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-02-25T14:32
各位大大好 我有翻過舊文 但事實在是不了解 所以想再請問一次 小弟我去年18來美定居 19歲就兵役無法回台 我是有想過 辦理白皮書 回台當兵 當完再回美繼續念書 (現在就讀社區大學) 但是家人全都反對= = 他們說浪費這個機票錢 跟 現在就在這裡好好住下來不就好了 但是 現在住在CA CA又瘋狂 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-02-25T08:13
我想這邊應該不太會有人遇到這個問題andgt;and#34;andlt; (是我們太白目了 囧) 不過還是來分享一下好了,主要就是提醒要辦結婚綠卡的人,多用心準備資料... 首先因為在第一次的面試我們只帶了and#34;沒有共同錢and#34;的joint bank statement(是他的戶頭) ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-02-24T00:11
請問各位大大一個關於報稅的問題. 我是由於依親(配偶是公民)拿到的綠卡. 去年 (2009) 決定全家搬到美國, 6月份開始在AIT申請移民簽證. 8月份拿到移民簽證, 並在10月份赴美報到並拿到綠卡. 可是台灣的工作還沒有告一段落, 在美短暫停留後, 回台 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-02-23T12:20
我現在單身, 身分是PR, 父母也是, 不過父母沒打算要住美國, 所以他們也沒打算理美國的報稅. 請問 and#34;A parent or someone else can claim this person as a dependent on their return.and#34; 該選是還是否呢? ...