Copycatcrime請幫我修改講稿 - 社會議題

George avatar
By George
at 2008-06-06T00:00

Table of Contents

Copycat crime is a social issue that made by media ,some scholars
have explored that media violence can inspire or hint offensive of
people then promote people to do evil.One fourth until one third of
male violent criminal who have recognized that imitating crime skills
from television when they were doing evils.Additionally ,media
spread information and events very fast,although the media just let
people know those terrible things;however,media always describes the
details about suicide or evil things.This unhealthy phenomenon
becomes teaching people how to do the unethical things which they
never thought of it.And this phenomenon would be recycled. School
shooting is a typical example.
以上是講稿 還沒完全完成 是一半而已 請幫我修正文法
可以的話 順便告訴我有沒有更口語話的寫法 因為是講稿@@
請不吝伺教 !
阿富請勿出手 禁打廣告!
Copycat crime是維基百科也有的字耶

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2008-06-08T19:28
Crime imitation (不是copy cat) is a social issue brought to our attention by the mass media.
Scholars explored that media violence can encourage a person to act with violence
About one third of the male audience admit that they imitate television programs when committing a crime
Moreover, media's have been very selective in a negative way. They spread around negative and disappointing news at a very high speed. They emphasizes too much on details that people start learning from it. The classic example is campus shooting; more and more similar crimes have been committed since the first one has been reported.
因為是演講 可以盡量減短扼要 太細節不用講 例如1/4-1/3..妳就講個大概1/3就可以了 這樣也比較不會納麼難懂
2008-06-06 15:28:31 補充:
They emphasizes too much on details AND people start learning from it.
文法小錯誤 補充一下


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-06-06T00:00
拜託~這很急~請各位大大幫我列出,有關墾丁國家公園的SWOT矩陣策略表,其內容除了要包含最基本的SWOT分析之外�� ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2008-06-06T00:00
請問那位好心人有相關【太陽能滅蟲燈】的資訊呢?這是用於農業上的新技術,因老闆需要這方面的訊息,但網路 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-06-06T00:00
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Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-06-06T00:00
他的SGOT是40正常值是0~37SGPT是80正常值是0~42好像點偏高的說......所以我想知道有什麼方法或保健食品可以幫忙降低� ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-06-06T00:00
小弟我剛出社會,最近有存了一些些錢了,想說要做一些投資,但是我對於股票跟基金是有看沒有懂阿!!不知道有哪位好心的大哥大姐可以教教我哪�� ...