Court battle to pretect whales against deadly Navy sonar - 生態環境討論

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2003-06-11T06:33

Table of Contents

Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,

We need your immediate support as we go to trial in a case that is critical to
the future of marine mammals on this planet. Three weeks from now, NRDC
litigators will face off against the Bush administration in federal court with
the safety of entire populations of whales and dolphins at risk.

This long-awaited courtroom battle is the culmination of our eight-year
campaign to stop the U.S. Navy from illegally deploying its Low Frequency
Active (LFA) sonar system -- a new technology that blasts ocean habitats with
noise so intense it can maim, deafen and even kill marine mammals.

I hope you'll go to right now to make an online
emergency contribution in support of this historic case.

What's at stake? Consider: last year, the Bush administration issued the Navy a
permit to deploy LFA sonar over 75 percent of the world's oceans and to harass
or injure up to 12 percent of every single marine mammal species found anywhere
in this vast expanse of ocean!

But before that disaster could unfold, your support enabled NRDC to race to
court last fall and win a dramatic eleventh-hour reprieve for thousands of
whales and dolphins. A federal judge blocked global deployment of the sonar
system until a full trial could be held and all the evidence heard.

That all-important proceeding will begin on June 30th. It will determine
whether this dangerous technology is finally unleashed upon our planet's
oceans -- or whether it should be permanently blocked until the Navy obeys the
law and demonstrates that LFA would not cause serious harm to ocean life.

Scientists are warning that LFA sonar may threaten the very survival of entire
populations of whales, some already teetering on the brink of extinction. At
close range, the system's shock waves are so intense they can destroy a whale's
eardrums, cause its lungs to hemorrhage, and even kill.

Further away, LFA noise can cause permanent hearing loss in marine mammals
after a single transmission. At 40 miles away, LFA noise is still so intense it
can disrupt the mating, feeding, nursing and other essential activities of
marine mammals.

Two years ago, the mere testing of high-intensity Navy sonar in mid-frequency
range caused a mass stranding of whales in the Bahamas. Whales from at least
three different species died, their inner ears bleeding from the explosive
power of the sonar signal.

Just last month, a group of biologists off the coast of Washington state
witnessed a "stampede" of distressed marine mammals as a U.S. destroyer,
operating a powerful mid-frequency sonar system, passed through. Over the next
several days, ten porpoises were discovered stranded on nearby beaches.

And the dangers go beyond marine mammals. In preparing for the upcoming trial,
NRDC has uncovered the shocking results of the Navy's own LFA research on human
scuba divers. One Navy test subject was exposed to 14 minutes of LFA noise at
160 decibels -- far below the level of 235 decibels at which the actual LFA
system will be operating. The diver experienced uncontrollable shaking in his
limbs and lapsed into a seizure-like state that recurred periodically for days.
The Navy's report described him as a "casualty."

The Bush administration wants us to believe that the impacts of LFA will be
negligible! Launching a massive acoustic assault on the world's oceans is not
negligible. Threatening communities of whales, dolphins and humans with injury
and death is not negligible.

The Bush administration's position on LFA is arrogant, inhumane and, almost
certainly, illegal. But we cannot stop the deployment of this technological
menace unless we have the financial resources to fight this courtroom battle to
the very end and win a permanent ban.

Again, I urge you to help by going to right now and making an online
emergency contribution.

With your help, we can make sure that no more whales have to suffer and die
from high-power sonar. Let me know you'll stand with us at this critical moment
in the fight to protect all ocean life. Thank you.


John H. Adams
Natural Resources Defense Council

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Love on Nature, mother of all.

Ptt生態保育版 版名: Ecophilia
C)分類看板 - 12)生活娛樂館 - 3)HappyLiving - 5)Ecophilia


All Comments


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2003-06-07T20:52
什麼情況下,一段旅程的終點會代表另一個旅程的開端? 想像一下,你耗費一年多的時間,艱難地徒步穿越地球上某些最不適於人居的地域。 典型的一天裡,你的隊伍可能得涉過深度及膝的淤泥, 在濃密難行的灌叢中劈砍出一條道路,從身體扯下好幾十隻水蛭, 被雲集的叮人蚊蟲包圍。 接著,想像你有機會觀察並記錄一個原始 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2003-06-02T08:19
在花蓮不光是七星潭哭 很多地方都有消波塊的蹤影 有海的地方不囉唆一定有 小溪流間我也看過他的蹤影 (怎樣?運到海裡的途中不慎掉落) 橋墩旁也堆了一大堆..... 有次美術作業要我們去拍幻燈片 我選消波塊做主題,結果真是滿載而歸....(苦笑...) 南濱公園一大片的消波塊海岸.... 還有人看了嘖嘖稱奇,問我 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2003-06-01T23:24
※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-dolphin 看板] 作者: lovelylady (太陽出來了~~) 看板: NTU-dolphin 標題: 我的天 時間: Sun Jun 1 21:53:34 2003 七星 ...

Re: 海洋大學學生殘殺海洋搞「自拍」 墾管處痛斥: …

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2003-06-01T21:21
※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-dolphin 看板] 作者: fuzzyspot (我想去海邊) 看板: NTU-dolphin 標題: Re: 海洋大學學生殘殺海洋搞「自拍」 墾管處痛斥: … 時間: Sun Jun 1 20:26:17 2003 [作者] sasaya (迎面來的風) ...

三峽大壩蓄水 動物集體大逃亡

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2003-06-01T13:14
大陸新聞中心/台北報導 據大陸媒體報導,世界矚目的長江三峽大壩六月一日 正式下閘蓄水,不少在水庫山頭上的村民說,幾天前初期蓄水時,已有大量蛇蟲 野獸因水位上升而慌亂逃亡。   幾名在水庫邊的老農透露,在蓄水預備期的第一天,水足足漲高了三米。他們走 過水草邊時,猛然看見無數各種昆蟲,從 ...