Deadly boat disaster a mystery - 澳洲

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-11-03T12:05

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Customs and Border Protection cannot confirm that the boat which sank in
Australia's search and rescue zone was intact and afloat when it was first
seen by a commercial ship.

While 27 people - believed to be Sri Lankans - have been rescued, one person
is dead and there are grave fears for 11 still missing after their boat sank
350 nautical miles off the Cocos Islands.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) received a distress call from
the boat early on Sunday morning.

AMSA called on ships in the area to go to its aid. Nine hours later a Taiwanese
fishing boat arrived at the scene and reported that the boat was taking on

Several hours after that, a liquefied natural gas carrier also turned up and
at that stage, it is believed the boat was still afloat.

Customs says it cannot confirm information obtained by the ABC that the boat
sank when the LNG carrier was only several hundred metres away and in visual

Search continues
Meanwhile, a Japanese fishing boat will join the full-scale air and sea
search currently underway replacing the one from Taiwan which has left to

The fishing boat will join the LNG tanker now carrying the majority of the
survivors, but no Australian boats are in the area.

A plane has been searching for survivors overnight and eight more are
continuing the search.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor says Australian authorities and the
commercial boats are still searching for survivors.

"At this point the focus has been on rescuing those that were in the water,
and for that reason we've now got up to seven aircraft and have now a
Japanese vessel going to the assistance of the LNG Pioneer, to provide
whatever help we can, to see whether we can rescue what could be up to 11
others," he said.

"There's been no confirmation in terms of the nationality of these passengers
rescued from sea.

"The entire focus of the commercial vessels and the Australian aircraft has
been to recover all passengers that were in the water after the vessel sunk
late Sunday night."

Tags: 澳洲

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optus prepaid

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-11-02T23:37
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請問帶食物進澳洲的問題 (香菇 中藥 等等)

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-11-02T21:58
我想帶一些 香菇 海帶 木耳 枸杞 (都是乾的)之類的去澳洲 還有幫朋友帶的中藥粉(罐裝) 請問那些香菇 海帶 木耳 枸杞 可以帶嗎 需要真空包裝嗎 包裝 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-11-02T21:19
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墨爾本camberwell 雙人房出租

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-11-02T19:44
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Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-11-01T15:20
我拿澳洲學生簽證 我想請問一下 因為12月要去紐西蘭玩一趟 看了護照的過期時間是明年6/17 因為辦簽證護照有效時間為六個月 想請問12/10去 這樣辦會�� ...