EARTHQUAKE: 5.2-magnitude tremor rocks Vic - 紐澳

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-06-19T20:08

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EARTHQUAKE: 5.2-magnitude tremor rocks Victoria for at least 20 seconds

5.2 magnitude quake struck 10km southwest of Moe
Seismologist recorded the massive murmur at 10km deep
Residents report the shaking lasted up to 40 seconds

MELBOURNE and vast parts of Victoria has stood still after a sequence of tremors
shook the city just before 9pm (AEST).

The USGS reports the 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit 120km out of Melbourne, some
10km southwest of Moe.

Readers have swamped the Herald Sun with calls reporting significant tremors from
everyone from the suburbs all the way across the state to country Victoria.

The tremor, which lasted about 20 seconds, has been felt from Kilmore, Gippsland,
Drouin, Rowville and inner-Melbourne.

Reports are coming in from all over the city - from the Dandenongs in the east,
Bentleigh in the southeast, Pascoe Vale in the west and through the inner city.

Seismologist recorded the massive murmur – almost 10km deep - at 8.53pm.

The mammoth quake spread itself statewide, reaching as far as 10km across
southwest of Moe in the state's south-southeast, 18km west of Morwell, 30km off
Traralgon and 78km southwest of Sale.

It is not yet known if the tremor has caused any damage.

Darren Gay said he felt tremors in Chirnside Park. “The whole house shook for
ages,” he said.

Sunbury’s Tori Sims said the event was “very frightening”.

“Sitting on the couch with my little boy the whole couch shook and then it
sounded like a massive gust of wind and it rocked the house!” she said.

“Would hate to be caught in a major one!”

Lauren Gardiner in rural Victoria said it was also felt in north-east Victoria
at Tallangatta and Bullioh, east of Wodonga.

The Geoscience Australia website crashed as people flocked online to find out
what occurred.

The Bureau of Meteorology said the quake was felt further afield than Melbourne,
with reports coming in from Bright and Myrtleford in the northeast and Wonthaggi
in the southeast of Victoria.

Ron Smith from Kew said his whole house shook.

"We heard a roar and thought it was the wind," he told AAP.

"The floor and the walls shook, the whole house shook."

There's a sign on the wall.
But she wants to be sure.
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.

Tags: 紐澳

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