EB2-NIW - 移民

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-06-03T13:38

Table of Contents

2016/7/18 sign contract with an immigration law group.

2016/11/30 packages mailed to USCIS.

2016/12/1 I-140 case was received by USCIS (Nebraska).

2017/1/19 USCIS routed petitions for individuals who work in Maryland (and
others) to the Texas service center. =.=

2017/3/13, 2017/4/25 I-140 request case transfer due to jurisdiction change.
(No news..........)

2017/8/8 on-line service request

2017/8/11 USCIS respond.

2017/5/31 USCIS received I-485, I-131, I-765

2017/6/6 fingerprint fee accepted.

2017/6/28 fingerprint at application support center.

2017/8/4 case transfer

2017/9/14 EAD/AP card mailed to me

2017/10/26 I-140 was approved. Finally~~~~

2017/11/22 case transfer

2018/1/10 interview was scheduled on 2018/2/13.

2018/1/31 schedule was cancelled as request.

2018/2/15 interview was scheduled on 2018/3/21.

2018/3/21 Field office was closed due to a storm………

2018 April Moved to San Fransico

2018/4/18 interview was scheduled...again…

2018/5/24 on-site interview in Baltimore. New card was being produced.

2018/5/30 USCIS mailed my new card.

2018/6/3 Received the card.


File I-140 的時候:
Postdoc using STEM-OPT.
171 citations, 14 papers/book chapters
Rec letter: 1 dependent, 5 independent


I-140 approval 等了11個月

I-485 第一次面試的時間剛好排在我回去過農曆年的時間....
去 Baltimore 的 infopass 改時間.

I-485 第二次面試的時間下大雪, field office 沒開 @#$$#^#%$&


四月搬到 San Francisco

2018/5/24 從 SF 飛回 Baltimore 面試 (沒改地址,因為不想 case 轉來轉去)
遇到人超好的immigration officer. 面試大概十五分鐘結束, 她也現場幫我改地址
面試隔天 on-line case status 變成 card being produced.
Approval notice 跟綠卡都是寄到新的地址!

File I-140/485 的時候都還是寄紙本.
現在改成 on-line submission 不知道有沒有比較快.....

總之, 總算拿到了~~~~~~

ps. 綠卡是十年有效ㄝ~

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2018-06-07T15:26
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-06-11T09:46
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-06-14T23:00
賀!!! 真是一波三折啊...
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2018-06-16T07:35
恭喜! 有拿到就好

出生證明 RFE + CCA 2000

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-06-03T00:00
剛好藉此標題回覆詢問, 目前CP綠卡申請來到最後階段, 雖然做了許多功課才遞交DS260, 原先信心滿滿使用的and#34;原戶and#34;戶籍謄本正本還是被RFE, 可能是運氣不好碰到不熟悉的官員, 還是因為我沒有同時遞交原戶+現戶戶籍謄本, 因為在官網的and#34;台灣and#34;遞交文件說明中有 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2018-06-02T09:50
請問一下版上各位30公分E罩杯 我之後有個機會去加拿大留學一年 唸的算是特殊的農業 是一年制program 留學代辦跟我說只能申請一年工作簽 想請問一年之後無論如何就必須回來了嗎? 有沒有辦法續留呢? 聽說加拿大移民很簡單? - ...

I765 EAD renew填寫

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-06-02T09:27
大家好, 想請問I765 第19題 current immigration status該如何填寫。 雖然上週完成EB interview但沒有當場通過,面試官說需要時間review文件, 保險起見,正在準備I765 andamp; I131 renew (combo card八月中到期) 我的理解是目前 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-06-01T16:26
我目前的狀況是OPT大約還剩下一年左右(06/30/2019到期), 然後今年H1B抽籤結果到現在都還沒通知,基本上我是當作沒中了0rz 所以我想問的問題是, 我是否只要在明年6/30前遞出140/485並且收到EAD/AP, 是否就不用擔心在美國的工作會有gap? 因為上禮拜我跟我老闆討論的時候, ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-06-01T03:05
先謝謝版上前輩之前的回答, 我們目前決定走AOS, 還有一些問題想請教... 依照DV letter上的說明, 看起來所有的申請人都需要填DS-260. and#34;All DV applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien ...