EB2 Timeline - 移民

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-05-01T20:37

Table of Contents

EB2 Greencard timeline

2015-10: GC process started internally
2016-2: PWD application ready
2016-7: Change attorney
2016-7: PWD Submitted
2016-7: First job recruiting
2016-9: 2nd job recruiting
2016-11: Perm application ready
2017-1: PD
2017-4: Perm certified
2017-5: I-140/485 submitted concurrently
2017-6: Biometrics
2017-7: PP for I140 submitted
2017-7: I-140 approved
2017-9: EAD/AP Approved with mistakes
2017-10: AP application re-opened
2017-10: amended AP received
2017-11: case transferred to NBC
2018-1: interview scheduled
2018-2: interview
2018-2: I-485 approved
2018-3: card received

Applicant background:
- 2nd term H1b
- 7 years experience before current job
- master degree in computer science
- 3 years in Ph.D. program but did not finish
- Software Architect for the current company

2 PWDs
- Green card process started in Oct 2015.
- The first lawyer always told us that everything is on schedule but
eventually we found she actually did nothing so we switched to a new
- PWD is eventually filed in Jul 2016.

2 Recruiting processes: The first job recruiting does not meet the salary
requirement on PWD

Delayed PERM filing: 2nd recruitment was finished in Oct 2016 the PERM was
not filed until Jan 2017

EAD/AP with mistakes
- My EAD/AP were both approved on the same date in Sept 2017. But the card I
received does not have AP notice on it. It forced me to cancel two oversea
- Raised 3 SR to request a correction. The amended AP arrived in late Oct 2017

- After case was transferred to NBC for almost 3 months without any further
info I went InfoPass and the officer told me that my case was scheduled
that day and it will be a month (sharp) later.

- The interview process went pretty well. The officer did not ask a lot of
- However, he did ask me to present official birth certificate from
*government*. My certificate was from the hospital with gov stamp on it,
which, according to him, is not a valid document for birth cert.
- After checking with the process guideline (w/ attorney) and his
supervisor, my birth cert is indeed a valid document.
- He also did NOT take any documents from me (not even the birth cert)
- Note: the officer had a very serious poker face at beginning. He became a
very warm/nice man when we were almost done.

- case was approved a day later
- card ordered the same day
- paper approval notice received three days later
- card received 8 days later

Final words: 不知道總時程花了 28 個月正不正常。幾乎每一步都有出錯。連到了
interview 當天,前面排隊的人都很正常,排到我的時候取票機還壞掉了。只好臨時手


Tags: 移民

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2018-05-05T05:59
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-05-07T17:47
好戲劇化的過程! 恭喜你終於拿到綠卡了~
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-05-12T16:37
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-05-16T18:26
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-05-20T01:52
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-05-22T13:36

N-400 送件時間

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-05-01T03:25
大家好,我跟我老婆擁有PR,到目前已經4年11個多月,期間沒有居住中斷 前兩天我們上USCIS網站開帳號,準備來線上送出N-400的歸化申請 但送件時間點上,目前有兩個考量 1.未來幾個月可能會搬家,還不知道搬到哪,但原則上會在同一州,同一郡 所以若現在送件,之後搬家,這樣是否會影 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2018-04-30T23:27
我於2015年持F1andamp;i20辦駕照, 當時駕照給的期限是F1 stamp上的2018,駕照將在四月底到期。 我上星期去了MVC(DMV in NJ),持i797A+H1B visa stamp更新駕照結果不給更新, 櫃台人員堅持我必須出示有效的i20才可以更新。 我說我已經不是F1了,更不可能生出 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2018-04-28T23:06
(已爬文,但沒看到統一的說法,所以想請問大家的經驗。) 小弟的太太正在申請婚姻綠卡 目前USCIS網站顯示I-131與I-765已經approved。 但是我們尚未收到approval notice與Combo卡 由於小弟的太太有急事 必須這幾天就要回台灣 所以小弟想讓她自己先回台灣,之後等收到C ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2018-04-28T12:12
各位網友好 本人情況為與美國公民結婚多年 去年八月初遞出申請綠卡 一個月後指紋 至此之後音訊全無,網路查案件狀態只顯示收到 最近打去USCIS尋問 一開始表示已經超過八個月了 願意幫我申請尋問 但在發現我本人非公民也非居民之後 忽然態度大變,(我也不是很懂,我以為一開始給他申請標號查詢的時候 他就明白我 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2018-04-28T10:45
各位版友們好,有些問題想請教大家: 我是綠卡持有者,老婆目前是PhD學生(F-1)。去年二月初幫老婆送出I-130,priority date是02/11/2017。由於我們今年5月初必須回台灣一趟,預計5/17回美,所以即使目前 的排期已經到了,仍無法遞出I-485的申請。目前老婆預計8/10畢業且她的I ...