EYFA ~ ecotopia ~ ecorate - 生態環境討論

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-08-12T00:55

Table of Contents


由EYFA這個團體所主辦 ( european youth for action 名稱感覺就很有行動力...)



The Ecorate System [ecorates]生態貨幣介紹
The aim of the Ecorate system is to enable EYFA and those organizations which
share the concern of economical inequalities between countries, to use a fair
exchange rate. It is an alternative 'currency' based on the actual cost of
living in each country. 生態貨幣的目標是協助EYFA(歐洲行動青年)和其他同樣關切

The Ecorate system is necessary to create alternative frameworks for our
economic relations (paying participation fees, subscription prices...) that
break the profit guided and socially careless dynamics. Differences in the
prices levels, exchange currency rates, purchasing power... might financially
discourage or even impede groups and individuals from some countries from
participating in gatherings and seminars or from subscribing to magazines. We
should empower ourselves through creating mechanisms to include social
concerns in our ways of functioning. 為了我們的經濟關連(繳付參與費、報名費)

Ecorate system is a fully grassroots and participatory system. The fact that
we research to have our own rates rather than using official institutional
ones is one of the most important characteristics of the system. We make a
survey among activist to collect information about the cost of life in each
country [see questionnaire] through looking at the prices of different basic
products, which is subsequently used to calculate the Ecorates and the value
of the eco for each country. 生態貨幣系統是完全草根式與參與式的系統。我們研究

The system contains two tools: 這系統包括兩套工具:
1. The Eco is an alternative EYFA 'currency'. Its monetary value depends on
the country of residence of each person, on the theoretical purchasing power
of the person. The value of this international currency takes thus into
account people - it has a social dimension. eco是一種另立的EYFA「貨幣」。它的

2. The Ecorate is an indication of what the cost of living in each country is
compared to that of Germany (currently used as the reference country). We
assume that the cost of living in one country is directly related to the
purchasing power of their inhabitants - for example if the cost of living in
Germany is four times greater than that of Albania, the purchasing power of
an Albanian person will be four times smaller than that of a German person. 生

Ecorates 2007: TAKE PART in the Project
We are in the inspired process of updating the ecorates project. Soon we hope
to have the questionnaire online in several languages. For this however we
need your help. While filling it out if you have the time to spare, could you
please translate it, and send it back to us. We will put the language
translations up as they come. We have only Turkish translation so far.For
this alternative system to work, we need participation, so please do send
this out to people everywhere. 生態貨幣計畫正在持續發展,並提供不同的語言版本

We were happy to discover in our eyfa travels over the last year, that
ecorates is being used very often with various groups. We want to keep
ecorates up-to-date and workable as much as possible.

For this also we would be very interested to hear from anyone interested in
developing the ecorates theoretically, sustainably in various working
systems. (reforming the process?) We thought that this project may appeal to
some economics, sociology ... students, interested in developing alternative

We are on the case of sorting the online questionnaire more workable,
translated and the tables up to date.
So,,,, please fill in the questionaire and send translations to
[email protected]
所以請填寫這份問卷並寄送翻譯版本到[email protected]

Ecorates 2006
Take a look at last years ecorates table: 觀看2006年的生態貨幣率兌換表:
e c o r a t e s . t a b l e . 2006

Ecorates questionnaire
How can you help? 你如何幫忙
The ecorates system is based in trust, solidarity and altruistic
collaboration. To take part in updating the ecorates, please fill in the
online questionnaire. 生態貨幣系統以信任,團結與利他的合作為基礎,參與更新生態

The online questionnaire is for prices in euros, but if you don't have time
to recalculate prices just send us the questionnaire as an attacment with
prices in local currecny. If you need help with converting, check out the
universal currency converter.線上問卷以歐元為基礎,也可以當地貨幣價格填寫再進

Extra note: The list is made up items that you might not purchase or use in
your daily life but you will find these items in most countries taken up in
the survey. We know that also within a country the prices of a single item
can vary so we ask you to take the average price of the product or item in
the country you live in. 注意:表格是由你在日常生活中可能不會購買或使用的項目

Here is an example of the questionnaire. 這是問卷的例子

Please collect the prices of the following items 請蒐集下列物品的價格
Your name你的姓名
Which currency are you filling the ecorates form in: 你所使用將轉換為生態幣值
You live in 你的居住地:city 城市 village鄉村 other其他
Currency * 貨幣單位

A loaf of bread:一條麵包
250 grams of margarine:250公克的人造奶油
One kg of potatoes:一公斤的馬鈴薯
One kg of apples:一公斤的蘋果
One kg of rice:一公斤的稻米
500g of coffee:五百公克的咖啡
A bottle of (the most famous local) beer in a shop:
A cup of black tea in a cafe:一間咖啡廳中的一杯黑咖啡
Pizza margarita in a restaurant:一間餐廳中的蕃茄起司披薩
A plain chocolate bar (100g):一條100公克簡單的巧克力棒
A piece of hands soap:一塊香皂
A single bus ticket in town:城鎮中一張單程公車票
A stamp for a letter for Europe:寄一封信到歐洲的郵票
One (black and white) A4 Photocopy:一次黑白的A4影印
Cinema ticket:電影票
A daily newspaper: 一份日報

Legal minimum wage in your country, 你國家中的法定最低工資
per hour: 每小時OR 或per month: 每個月

Average monthly rent for a simple room your city/town, including
electricity and water costs:在你居住城鄉中一個簡單房間,包含水電的月租費
Your average food cost per month:你每個月平均的食物開支
Your average monthly income:你每個月的平均收入
A train ride of 100 km (66 miles): 一百公里車程的火車票

if you would add a question to the questionnaire what would it be?

Anything you would like to tell us?任何要告訴我們的想法?

Any ideas how to improve this online form? 任何如何改善這份線上表格的意見?

Thanks for helping the ecorates project!
Ecorates was and is being used in several projects by several groups.....生態
Global Ecovillage Network(GEN) - Europe
ActionCamp2006 in Luxembourg
The Eclectic Tech Carnival
Travelling School of Life
1st European Natural Building Colloquium 15-22 of August ’04 - PERMALOT
Common Ground meeting in Bulgaria on agriculture, food, alternatives and
IFS Youth Conference

我寄了這份翻譯過去,當時沒那麼完整,不過他們還沒有回信 :(

想笑 就大聲地笑
能接吻 就不忙著說話 生命就該浪漫在美好的事物上


All Comments


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-08-11T23:56
這一陣子看板主Mares提到辭職 我也在考慮辭職了 卻也重新再想了些關於這個版的一些事情 關於版名 ecophilia 我取了生態的意思 與愛的意思 而 有了樂生這樣的字面 但其實更源頭的字義卻是 愛家 如果讀書會 或版聚 就輪流以版友的家為據點 可行嗎? 就像過去,當現代化沒有這麼嚴重的社會;朋 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-08-11T22:28
航向烏坵:「千人千元,百人登島」首航行動 文. 周聖心 台灣解嚴20年了,但一直到現在,除了烏坵島民和服役的軍人,仍舊很少人有機會 可以踏上烏坵島。 因為,根據國防部不成文的登島限制:當地居民需經烏坵指揮部同意,一般民眾則須 經國防部核准,才能搭乘十天一班的船艦登島。三年前天下雜誌推動的「微笑319鄉 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-08-11T22:00
看守台灣協會徵求有勇有謀之專職台灣看守人 開始時間: 2007/08/10 - 12:00am 結束時間: 2007/08/20 - 12:00am 學歷:大學以上,英文閱讀能力佳 經歷:兩年以上工作經驗,對 NGO(非政府組織)工作有興趣、熱情、有瞭解, 樂於與人討論、合作但又具有獨力完成工作的 ...

油價政策公聽會 王塗發的新聞稿整理

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-08-10T21:52
我前幾天聽綠黨秘書長潘翰聲 (他以前是投顧公司的石化研究員)說, 這件事情上 中油是比較站的住腳的 因為全世界的油價都是盯西德州 就算我們是跟杜拜買油 杜拜的價格也是隨著西德州起伏 而打契約都是按and#34;數量and#34; 而不是按價格打 油價就是運輸期間的平均油價 我今天看了台灣石油工會的頭版廣 ...

油價政策公聽會 王塗發的新聞稿整理

George avatar
By George
at 2007-08-10T21:43
※ [本文轉錄自 NCCU_SEED 看板] 作者: Valera (樹) 看板: NCCU_SEED 標題: [環境]油價政策公聽會 王塗發的新聞稿整理 時間: Fri Aug 10 15:52:55 2007 我把王塗發寄來的新聞稿整理了一下 大家可以參考看看 人物: 國內財經學者 吳惠林 環保團體 ...