Fed Square 'one of world's ugliest buildings' - 紐澳

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-11-23T11:36

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新聞來源: http://tinyurl.com/yjkar3s

9News- Fed Square 'one of world's ugliest buildings' 2009.11.23
By ninemsn staff

Melbourne's Federation Square has been labelled one of the world's biggest
eyesores in a new list compiled by a popular travel website.

What do you think about Federation Square? Have your say below.

The unique structure, which was opened in 2002, was heavily criticised in
VirtualTourist.com's "World's Top Ten Ugliest Buildings" list.

PHOTOS: World's ugliest buildings http://tinyurl.com/ycu62st

"Frenzied and overly complicated, the chaotic feel of the complex is made
worse by a web of unsightly wires from which overhead lights dangle," it said.

Prague's Zizkov television tower, New Zealand's "beehive" and Kosovo's
national library all featured alongside Federation Square in the list.

The ugliest building in the world, voted on by members of the travel network,
was the Morris A Mechanic Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland.

Giampiero Ambrosi, the general manager of VirtualTourist.com, said most of
the buildings on the list "don't have the warmth of an ice cube while others
don’t even seem completed".

Federation Square has been a subject of controversy since it was officially
opened in 2002.

Architects who designed the building were reportedly sent huge volumes of
hate mail from unhappy locals.

But the Federation Square website says the structure attracted a record 8.4
million visitors last year.

It claims the building is one of the two most-visited landmarks in Victoria,
along with the Queen Victoria Market.

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-11-25T10:27
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-11-27T02:01
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-11-28T01:39
所以 Fed Square 我覺得不錯了...囧
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-12-01T13:27
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-12-06T00:12
我是認為蠻特別的 不算醜
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-12-10T23:53
去玩看到也覺得還不錯 可能跟墨爾本其他建築比 較特殊吧?


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-11-22T15:47
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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-11-22T13:36
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Brisbane zone 2 單人房一個月短租

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-11-22T09:14
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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-11-22T09:13
哈囉~我大約12/23號左右會到坎培拉。 我想問一下坎培拉市區除了圖書館外,哪裡會有免費的網路呢? 因為我看他們網頁寫12/25號會休館,所以想請問�� ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-11-22T00:42
各位紐澳版的版友們大家好: 最近因為紐西蘭開放台灣人可以免簽證遊紐西蘭, 所以正好打算趁機會去紐西蘭自助旅行。 問題來了...我打算不去北島 ...