Focus UBC: 2008 Taipei 新生行前座談/ … - 加拿大

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-06-22T02:46

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※ [本文轉錄自 Vancouver 看板]

作者: devilsangel (不是誰的公主誰的千金) 看板: Vancouver
標題: [情報] Focus UBC: 2008 Taipei 新生行前座談/茶敘
時間: Sun Jun 22 02:42:26 2008


Event: UBC Bound! 2008: Taipei 新生行前座談茶敘
Date/Time: 2008/7/6 (日) 3:00PM
Place: Toscana@Sherwood Taipei 台北西華飯店 Toscana義大利餐廳
RSVP: Gurveen Grewal ([email protected]),
Paul Yin ([email protected])(請於7/1以前回覆告知是否出席)

UBC Bound 2008: Taipei 是UBC台灣校友會與UBC Asian-Pacific Regional Office
為今年的台灣新進學生們所精心籌備的prep session,如果您是今年九月將赴UBC就讀
的大學生、研究生、或是交換學生,應已收到由UBC Asian-Pacific Regional

若有關於此活動的任何問題(例: 如何到達西華飯店),請與UBC校友會會長 Paul Yin
聯繫 (手機: 0970-000-065)。

The UBC Bound! is a student send-off which provides an excellent opportunity
for you to learn from the valuable experience of Canadian alumni and to meet
your new classmates.

Please RSVP to Gurveen Grewal at [email protected], cc Paul Yin at
[email protected] latest by July 1. For enquiries, please call Paul Yin at
0970-000-065. This event is FREE, and light refreshments will be served.

This will be an informative and enjoyable occasion. We very much look forward
to welcoming you at the UBC Bound!

Years go by will I still be waiting
For somebody else to understand
Years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty
And the orange clouds raining in my head
Years go by will I choke on my tears
Till finally there is nothing left


All Comments

中華民國(台灣)與加拿大魁北克免試相互 …

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-06-20T15:06
※ 引述《WC (Without Charge)》之銘言: : [中略] → racquet:我寄信去問SAAQ他們說這政策2002年就有 = =? 06/20 10: ...

Re: 有人最近要來多倫多嗎?

George avatar
By George
at 2008-06-20T01:05
※ 引述《Aladar (狐狸)》之銘言: : 想問問最近有沒有人要過來勒? : 想請你帶點東西 : 有報酬的 : 不會很站空間~~只是一定要從台灣帶所以比較麻煩嚕 : � ...

Nissan/Infinity $1000 Credit轉賣 (多倫多)

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-06-19T07:07
朋友之前下訂了車, 但是現在希望能夠轉讓訂金$1000 (因為無法退) 有興趣或是想要更多資訊的請寄私信給我 我再將他私人信箱給你^^ -- 我的魁北克婚禮� ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-06-19T00:25 外交部:中華民國(台灣)與加拿大魁北克免試相互承認駕照 NOWnews 更新日期:and#34;2008/06/17 14:55and#34; 記者 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-06-18T13:37
想問問最近有沒有人要過來勒? 想請你帶點東西 有報酬的 不會很站空間~~只是一定要從台灣帶所以比較麻煩嚕 有興趣的話寄信給我~謝啦 -- --