hi to all from granada!! - 西班牙

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2004-07-25T23:34

Table of Contents

been in spain for 12 days now, all is wonderful,,
yesterday in Cordoba the temperature reached 46 degrees!!!


every thing is quite fine, no scary things happened,
all very friendly people,
the tapas are great!!
we also loved sangria and cerveza con limon!!

by the way, we were in Merida and toledo, Ronda without reserving a Hostel,
its not that hard to find a pensione or cheap hostel
all you have to do is go to information center and ask
the most expensive one we found in merida at 10pm was only36for a double room

so dont be afraid if you cant book a hostel online, the choices are more here!

in cordoba i highly recommend "hostel Rey Heredia"
the best pensione room in our trip so far!!
its near the mezquita, no.3 bus from the train station
get off at san fernando stop, then go to calle Hey Heredia

anyway, i will post more good info when i get back!!!
(im using the hostels free internet cafe....
this is also a nice place "fundation andalusia solidaria"
you can find it on www.hostelworld.com!)

happy holidays, and also thanks for all the help before
the tapas introduction was especially helpful!!!

adios, y hasta la vista!!


All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2004-07-29T18:02
46度是什麼感覺啊? 想念Cordoba的
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2004-07-30T12:04
rabo de toro
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2004-07-31T06:53
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2004-08-02T17:23
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2004-08-05T09:25


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2004-07-25T22:31
※ 引述《Majafigueres (flamingomaja)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Catalan (中華台北棒球協會國際組)》之銘言: : : 當天早點上去買 : : 就算是超旺季的八月 : : 只要你們八點到 那是一定買的到的 不要緊張....... : : Granada的住宿我不知道有沒有寫 ...

Re: 請問有關退稅的問題?

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2004-07-25T22:15
※ 引述《sonnentau (sonnentau)》之銘言: : 已經看過精華區了. : 過幾天要到西班牙旅行, 然後轉往法國念書, : 我知道如果在歐洲多國旅行, 退稅是在最後一個國家(出境國)辦理, 可是我記得退稅的一個條件是 在歐盟國家停留三個月以下, ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2004-07-25T21:50
已經看過精華區了. 過幾天要到西班牙旅行, 然後轉往法國念書, 我知道如果在歐洲多國旅行, 退稅是在最後一個國家(出境國)辦理, 那像我這種情況是直接在西班牙機場辦理即可嗎? 因為是跟著一個團去的, 我擔心這樣會影響全團時間而影響辦理(退稅需時較長). 另外因為將在法國作長期停留, 我沒有準備旅支, 對於1 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2004-07-25T09:40
現在才發現這個版~~~ 呼呼 -- 西文系~站起來!!!!!!!!! 西文系~站起來!!!!!!!!! 西文系~站起來!!!!!!!!! - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2004-07-25T01:23
同學到西班牙當交換學生時..與住在一起的西班牙女生..(她的室友) 感情很好..在過幾天她也即將飛回台灣 而她的室友也剛畢業..想來台灣走走 所以我幫她的西班牙朋友找找家教或是工作.. 讓她在台灣時經濟上..起碼可以也個小小的短期收入 希望大家可以幫幫我囉... 她的室友曾到倫敦留學過..所以雖然中文不太通但 ...