HiRecruit Job Fair - 舊金山

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-08-24T04:40

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SVCACA broadcasts the Job Fair on behalf of CIE-SF as follows,

Dear friends:

Here is a good opportunity for you to meet and know
many Taiwan and US high-tech companies -- there will
be a HiRecruit Job Fair on 8/25 (coming Saturday) at
Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. The address is 2700
Mission College Blvd. and the time is 9am to 4pm.
Representatives from the list of companies below will
be there to explain to you what their companies are
all about.

You don't need to be there just to find a job, and no
resume is required to attend. We hope you can learn
something from this interaction. Better yet, all
attendees are eligible for a drawing with prizes (1)
Wii, (2) SFO-TPE round-trip ticket!

Looking forward to seeing you then. I am sure it
would be a fruitful experience.

Bernard Shung
2007 CIE-SF President

-------------- company list -----------------
Cadence, Inc.
Google, Inc.
Marvell Semiconductor
Spansion Inc.
聯發科技 (Mediatek)
華邦電子 (Winbond)
旺宏電子 (Micronix)
智原科技 (Faraday)
創意電子 (Globalunichip)
聯華電子 (UMC)
訊連科技 (Cyberlink)
思源科技 (Springsoft)
瑞昱半導體 (Realtek)
奇景光電 (Himax)
英業達公司 (Inventec)
台灣艾司摩爾公司 (ASML)
微星科技 (Micro-Star)
宏達電子 (High Tech Computer Corp.)
環隆電氣 (Universal Scientific Industrial Corp.)
工業技術研究院 (ITRI)
資訊工業策進會 (III)





All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-08-24T17:12

聖荷西(San Jose)開車到優勝美地(Yosem …

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2007-08-24T02:13
※ 引述《cheefoo (Ich liebe tagsky)》之銘言: : 我:下個月中要到san jose參加CICC的研討會 : 第一次到美國,想問問大家幾個問題,感謝 : 問題一:san jose到yosemite : 對於第一次在美國租車開車的人 : 會不會有 ...

聖荷西(San Jose)開車到優勝美地(Yosemite)

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-08-24T00:25
我:下個月中要到san jose參加CICC的研討會 第一次到美國,想問問大家幾個問題,感謝 問題一:san jose到yosemite 對於第一次在美國租車開車的人 會不會有難度? 譬如說,路不好認之類的? 問題二:因為想要三天兩夜的yosemit ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-08-23T21:00
大家好~ 我是台大博士班學生,九月中要取道舊金山至Denver,會在bay area停留五天。 想請問有沒有Stanford的學生(女性)願意出借客廳(沙發或地板)? 希望是距離Caltrain Stanford站步行可到的地方,因為我不打算租車。 (我還蠻能走的,所以步行20分鐘內皆可) 時間是9/ ...

愛偷吃東西的室友 @@

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-08-23T16:29
偶!我家的小印X(不好意思說人家國籍)又做出瘋狂的事情啦 連續好幾天都外帶然後leftover到處亂丟 現在家裡都是小蒼蠅啦 ~~andgt;_andlt;~~ 本來想說拿個超級大塑膠袋把他們都裝起來 這次一定要逼小X度自己把垃圾拿去丟 算了!最後我還是投降自己拿去丟 at_at 實在太 ...

Re: 有人有興趣打棒球嗎?

George avatar
By George
at 2007-08-23T12:57
這應該是很久之前的文了...我剛搬到 San Jose , 也想找人丟球 我之前是練二壘跟捕手....所以要玩投捕 絕對沒問題... 如果有同好一起打 就更好了....感恩... ※ 引述《ezbentley (Get Rich or Die Tryinand#39;)》之銘言: : ...