hotel or hostel in Victoria ? - 溫哥華

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2006-07-13T11:44

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This weekends I want go to Victoria with my friends.

But I don't know which hotel (hostel) is cheaper.

My teacher recommended us the student hostel.

But I don't know which hostel is his recommendation.

Many hostels call "student hostel".

And I can't make the decision.

Can anybody recommend me some good hostel?

I just come to Vancouver for 2 weeks.

I'm not familiar with the Vancouver yet.

So please give me some advices. Thank you. :)

(p.s. I'm sorry I can't use Chinese in my homestay.
And sorry~ my English is very poor.)


All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2006-07-15T07:45
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2006-07-15T17:00
我爸媽之前住過best western 還算okay
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2006-07-17T07:28

這個暑假要遊學 請問適合的穿著

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-07-13T09:26
※ 引述《MATHCAKE (我就是我)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《JacobTai (不想跟世界說話)》之銘言: : : 最近這一兩個星期... : : 早上七八點...15度左右... : : 下午三四點陽光下...31度左右... : : 晚上天黑後...17度左右... 這幾 ...

Re: air salon??

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-07-13T06:30
※ 引述《Iknow ( )》之銘言: : 溫哥華好像也有一間Air salon, : 聽說跟台灣的Air好像有點關係.. : 店長是日本人的樣子。 : 可以請知道的板友提供一下資訊嗎? : 也可以推薦其他salon ^^and#34; : 謝謝!! 這邊的Air的確跟台灣有關係 因為是台灣人開的阿XD ...

air salon??

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-07-13T04:43
溫哥華好像也有一間Air salon, 聽說跟台灣的Air好像有點關係.. 店長是日本人的樣子。 可以請知道的板友提供一下資訊嗎? 也可以推薦其他salon ^^and#34; 謝謝!! - ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-07-13T04:22
一班的火鍋 我喜歡的有: 阿一 Vancouver West Side... near 41th street and Granville St 春秋 Vancouver West Side .... Near King Edward and Cambie St. 新傭記 Richmond 吃到飽火鍋: 砂 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-07-13T00:57
因為剛到這裡,所以地址路況不是很熟 有推薦哪幾家好吃的火鍋店(最好是吃到飽,比較可以肆無忌憚的點 價格兩人大概三十元以下) 地址可以詳細些嗎 最好是大眾運輸工具可以到的!! 謝謝~~~ - ...