Inspiteof/Eventhough的句型問題 - 社會議題

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-01-10T00:00

Table of Contents

1.Dr. King and his wife decide to move back to the South, in spite of the fact that racism was raging there.
2.In spite of the fact that the great hardship lie ahead, Dr. King still continues his “nonviolent resistance” program.
3.Dr. King keeps leading black people in America to fight for equal civil rights, even through this situation poses a threat to his life.
4.Even though Dr. King was murdered by a gunman, his “nonviolent resistance” program has not stopped.

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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-01-11T11:19
in spite of + Ving(動名詞)
=in spite of the fact that + S+V(完整子句)
=雖然... 儘管...
even though + S+V
=雖然... 儘管... 即使...
1.Dr. King and his wife {decided}(前後時態需一致) to move back to the South, inspite of the fact that {the}(加上定冠詞表示在特定地點的racism) racism was raging there.
Dr. King 和他的妻子決定要搬回去南方,儘管那裡的種族主義/種族歧視很極端。
2.In spite of the fact that the great hardship lie ahead, Dr. King still continues his “nonviolent resistance” program.
儘管艱難擺在眼前,Dr. King 依然持續(進行)他抵制暴力的行動。
3.Dr. King keeps leading black people in America to fight for equal civil rights, even though(拼錯了) this situation poses a threat to his life.
Dr. King 一直領導著美國黑人爲民權而戰,即使這處境對他的生命造成威脅。
4.Even though Dr. King was murdered by a gunman, his “nonviolent resistance” program has not stopped.
雖然Dr. King 被殺手謀殺了,他抵制暴力的行動依然還沒停止。
為了讓語意通順 有些地方可能不一樣 希望對你有幫助:)
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-01-13T15:09
Dr. King and his wife decided to move back to the South, in spite of the fact that racism was raging there. 時態要一致


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-01-10T00:00
請問 市場失靈 並以環境汙染為例 如何例說明? 並其解決方式


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-01-10T00:00
最近要寫一篇作業有關職場上不同的人的心理,其中包括了transference, displacment, anxiety, empathy, 而且還包括分析自己。完全沒有心理學背景的我真的很難�� ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-01-10T00:00


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-01-10T00:00


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-01-10T00:00
我是住在台北 我高職是讀 餐飲管理科
因為我是不是台北人 我不知道台北有什麼科技大學or技術學院
是跟餐旅群有關�� ...