JetStar 2009.10.20 - 2010.03.23 特價 - 澳洲

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-08-18T10:18

Table of Contents


Domestic Routes Travel Periods JetSaver Light#
20Oct-10Dec 28Jan-15Feb 16Feb-23Mar
2009 2010 2010
Adelaide Brisbane X O O $69
Adelaide Cairns X O O $99
Adelaide Darwin O O O $99
Adelaide Gold Coast X O O $79
Adelaide Perth X O O $79
Brisbane Cairns O O O $79
Brisbane Darwin O O O $99
Brisbane Hamilton Island X O O $49
Brisbane Mackay O O O $39
Brisbane Newcastle O O O $39
Brisbane Rockhampton X O O $39
Brisbane Townsville X O O $79
Brisbane Whitsunday Coast X O O $49
Cairns Darwin O O O $99
Cairns Gold Coast X O O $79
Cairns Perth X O O $149
Melbourne (A) Brisbane O O O $69
Melbourne (T) Adelaide X O O $39
Melbourne (T) Cairns X O O $99
Melbourne (T) Darwin O O O $129
Melbourne (T) Gold Coast X O O $79
Melbourne (T) Hamilton Island X O O $99
Melbourne (T) Hobart O X X $49
Melbourne (T) Launceston O O O $49
Melbourne (T) Newcastle X O O $49
Melbourne (T) Perth X O O $119
Melbourne (T) Townsville X O O $129
Newcastle Gold Coast X O O $39
Sydney Adelaide X O O $69
Sydney Ballina Byron X O O $59
Sydney Brisbane O O O $49
Sydney Cairns X O O $99
Sydney Darwin O O O $129
Sydney Gold Coast X O O $39
Sydney Hamilton Island X O O $99
Sydney Hobart O O O $79
Sydney Launceston O O O $69
Sydney Perth O O O $149
Sydney Sunshine Coast X O O $69
Sydney Townsville O O O $79

International Routes Travel Periods JetSaver Light#
20Oct-10Dec 28Jan-15Feb 16Feb-23Mar
2009 2010 2010
Cairns Singapore O X O $199
Via Darwin

Darwin Singapore O X O $99

Melbourne (T) Singapore O X O $249
Via Darwin

Perth Singapore
Direct flights only O X O $149

(A) -> Avalon Airport
(T) -> Tullamarine Airport

Sale fares include JetSaver Light# fares, for when you travel with carry
baggage only. Or you can also choose a JetSaver fare for just $10 more for
domestic flights or $20 more for international flights with the full 20kg
checked baggage allowance.

Tags: 澳洲

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-08-21T11:46
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-08-25T04:10
很便宜可是時間不是那麼flexible :(
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-08-26T15:42
Virgin Blue正在九週年特價 價差不大 可以看有無想搭的時間


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-08-18T02:09
※ 引述《sunnyi (who am I)》之銘言: : 8月底會去澳洲自助旅遊 : 大約會在雪梨待三天 : 一天是市區觀光 : 兩天可能會去參加day tour : 希望能省點錢但又感�� ...

九月初墨爾本房間尋找 請幫幫忙

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-08-17T17:48
大家好 我和我男友將在這個九月初再度回到澳洲 這次回去不像上次那樣漂泊遊蕩 已經找到上次在墨爾本的房東 也在九月中會有空房出租給我們 但是 �� ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-08-17T17:43
[澳洲] 澳洲廣角第196集 新唐人電視 2007-12-8 00:19 【新唐人】各位觀眾,大家好! 歡迎來到澳洲廣角。今天的節目時間裡,我們首先繼 ...

[新聞] 被揭發用性愛換分數 澳大學講師自殺

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-08-17T15:56
※ [本文轉錄自 sex 看板] 作者: taristocrat ( andgt;andlt;andgt; ● andlt;andgt;andlt; ) 看板: sex 標題: [新聞] 被揭發用性愛換分數 澳大學講師自殺 時間: Mon Aug 17 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-08-17T13:21
[澳洲] 澳洲廣角第195集 新唐人電視 2007-12-8 00:17 【新唐人】各位觀眾,大家好! 很高興又見面了。一個星期以前,三年一度的澳洲聯 ...