Julia Gillard's accent baffles US school kids - 紐澳

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-02-04T22:23

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DEPUTY Prime Minister Julia Gillard's broad Aussie accent has baffled US

school children to the point of them asking her whether English is spoken

Down Under.

In Washington DC to discuss green jobs and education, Ms Gillard confessed

she had puzzled American youngsters after talking to them for a few minutes.

"I have visited two schools in Washington where the kids asked me, after

listening to me, whether or not we spoke English in Australia," she told

Macquarie Radio today.

"That Australian accent is foxing them a bit."

She was invited by Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, to attend the

Excellence in Action Summit to discuss education reform including national

curriculum, teacher quality and transparency.

Ms Gillard is also meeting with senior Obama administration officials during

the trip.

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-02-06T09:17
XD 連老美都聽不懂…


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-02-03T19:56
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Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-02-03T15:10
不好意思,想請大家提供一點意見>_< 這幾天我的toshiba小白出了一點問題,詢問之後據說可能是主機板或螢幕的問題, 避免夜長夢多,我想還是趕快 ...

! Fantastic Room Near Monash (Clayton) !

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-02-02T21:05
! Fantastic Room Near Monash (Clayton) ! (1)Brand new 3-bedroom townhouse at Clayton Rd,5 mins walk to Monash! (2)Only 2 ppl share one bathroom,toilet and fridge. (3)Refurnished house with the Cen ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-02-02T18:19
大家好 自從到了布里斯本後就一直希望有一台果汁機 無奈市售價格對我這位留學生來說偏高 所以想到這裡來問問 有沒有人願意割愛轉售手上的二手� ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-02-02T12:13
我想請問哪裡可以買到and#34;門擋and#34; 就是防止門關閉,放在地上的那種 我看過很多都是很像木頭材質的。 誰知道哪裡有賣?還有它的英文是什麼? ...