LastDaysoftheIceHunters翻譯 - 社會議題

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-06-21T00:00

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Last Days of the Ice Hunters
Jens Danielsen kneels on his dogsled as it slides along the rough edge of a frozen sea. ”Harru, harru,” he calls out urgently. “Go left, go left. Atsuk, atsuk. Go right, go right.” The 15 dogs in his team move carefully. Despite freezing temperatures in late March, the ice has broken up, making travel dangerous. “The sea ice used to be three feet thick here,” Danielsen says. “Now it’s only four inches thick.”
As big as a bear and with a kind, boyish face, Danielsen is a 45-year-old ice hunter from Qaanaaq, a village of about 650 people whose brightly painted houses cover a hillside overlooking a fjord. He’s heading toward the ice edge to find walruses, as hunters of Inuit ethnicity have done for as long as memory. With his extended family and 57 dogs to feed, he’ll need to kill several walruses on this trip.
Normally the ice comes to northwestern Greenland in September and stays until June. But during the past few years, the ice has been thick and the hunting good for only three or four weeks. The ice shelf gives hunters access to the walruses, seals, and whales they hunt. Without it, hunting becomes nearly impossible. In one recent winter, Qaanaaq’s hunters found themselves without sufficient food to feed their starving dogs. The hunters asked for help, and the government responded with money while fishing corporations assisted by sending fish by airplane.
Today, fewer than 500 ice hunters are able to live by hunting alone. They travel by dogsled, wear skins, and hunt with harpoons. At the same time, they also use guns, cell phones, and watch TV. “This changing weather is bad for us,” Danielsen says, scowling.
Update 2:
“Some [of our] people have to go other ways to make a living.” His wife, Ilaitsuk, who used to go with him on these hunting trips, has had to take a job at a day-care center in Qaanaaq to help pay their bills. The government now funds job training programs to help ice hunters find other employment.
Update 3:
Warmer weather does provide some opportunities. Quantities of valuable fish that prefer warmer water are increasing, and melting ice has uncovered some of Greenland’s valuable natural resources-minerals, metals, and gems.
Update 4:
Electrie power plants may soon be built on rivers filled by melting ice. But the last ice hunters may not be able to get used to working as fishermen, in mines, or ini power plants. As Danielsen says, “Without ice, we can’t live. Without ice, we’re nothing at all.”

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-06-25T03:32

2010-06-21 17:45:28 補充
而今,只有不到500個冰原獵人,能單獨狩獵而生活.他們以狗撬活動,穿獸皮,用魚叉獵物,同時,他們也使用槍械,手機,和觀賞電視. "這種變動的氣候,對我們很不利." 丹尼爾遜皺起眉頭說.2010-06-21 17:45:38 補充
"我們有些族人,必須用別的方法過日子.",他的妻子伊艾茲克說.她以前都跟他一起去狩獵旅行.現在必須到夸納克的日間托兒中心.找個工作.來幫忙付他們的帳單.政府現在也提供職業訓練方案的資金.以協助冰原獵人,找尋其他的職業.2010-06-21 17:45:47 補充
暖化的氣候,卻也提供了一些機會.一些喜歡較暖海水的珍貴魚類的數量,漸漸增加.而融化的冰層,也暴露出一些格陵蘭珍貴的天然資源---礦石,金屬,與寶石.2010-06-21 17:45:53 補充
發電廠可能很快的就要建立在充滿融化冰水的河流上,然而冰原獵人,可能無法習慣於當漁夫,在礦區或發電廠工作. 正如丹尼爾遜所說,:"少了冰層.我們無法生活;少了冰層,我們什麼也不是".


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