Looking for a female roommate to share a nice 2BR condo - 波士頓

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-07-30T01:01

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Looking for a female roommate to share a nice 2BR condo in Brookline
Hi, I am Leslie, I am looking for a clean, quiet, and easy going

girl to share a 2BR+ 2bath condo in safe and quiet area of Brookline.

The apartment is located at Harvard Ave, it’s near the Coolidge corner,

Longwood Medical Center, and is within ~20min T-ride to BU and BC.

The condo is close to stop and shop supermarket and all other great

restaurants in Brookline. The room is half-furnished and will

be available starting from Aug 1st (flexible). The rent will be $950/month

(hot water and heat included), and we will have to share the electricity,

internet, and cable bills. There is an indoor parking space within

the unit, which would cost additional $150/mon.

As for me, I am a graduate student majored in Physiology in BU.

At my leisure time, I enjoy playing tennis, shopping, and travelling.

I am really looking forward having a roommate that can be my best friend.

Please write me to [email protected] if you’re interested in seeing

the apt. I would be more than happy to hear from you Leslie@BU

有興趣的人~~請直接由此email( [email protected] )與她(Leslie)聯絡^^


All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-07-31T12:45
推Leslie, 人好相處又熱情


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-07-30T00:55
※ 引述《vivi0823 (是你帶著我接近夢想)》之銘言: : 大家好~ : 想請問各位大大~ : 波士頓今年的免稅週期間為何? : 由於八月的時候要和朋友去自助旅行 : 不過自行搜尋都找不到相關的資訊 : 想問問各位版友~ : 麻煩了~謝謝andgt;and#34;andlt; : 《P.s 如果PO文不 ...

波士頓downtown studio sublet 8/16-8/23

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-07-29T22:38
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板] 作者: HelenWu618 (Helen Wu) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [租屋] 波士頓downtown studio sublet 8/16-8/23 時間: Wed Jul 29 22:34:49 2009 我是波士頓Emerson ...

8/3~8/30 MGH附近的住宿

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-07-29T20:55
大家好 我在8/3~8/30要到MGH交換學生 想住在MGH附近比較方便 希望版友能提供住宿 由於時間有些倉促 如果你有房子但是不能提供全程住宿 也請跟我聯絡 像是 8/17~8/30後兩個星期我也可以考慮再搬過去 謝謝各位 忘了說我是男生 - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-07-29T09:51
希望能靠近south stationu一點的地方 我們是4名女生 打算要做AMTRAK到波士頓 因為後來還要去紐約 所以希望能找便奧宜一點的住宿 如果知道有哪裡可以住到便宜一點的住宿 麻煩請讓我們知道一下 有意願者請記站內信或連絡我的MAIL MAIL:ezlove77atyah ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-07-28T23:58
歡迎來到波士頓! 波士頓城區華人校園團契(CCEFatBU)是一個在波士頓大學註冊的非營利團體, 參與的朋友包括波士頓大學、麻省理工學院、哈佛大學、以及大波士頓地區各 大學與音樂學院的同學與校友。 同為留學生,我們深知遠渡重洋來到波城適應安居的挑戰。因此,我們樂意提 供新生從計畫出發乃至波城安頓的多方面諮 ...