M7.3 - 245km SE of Kamaishi, Japan - 地球科學討論

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-12-07T17:09

Table of Contents

Event Time

2012-12-07 08:18:24 UTC
2012-12-07 18:18:24 UTC+10:00 at epicenter
2012-12-07 17:18:24 UTC+09:00 system time


37.889°N 144.090°E depth=36.1km (22.4mi)

Nearby Cities

245km (152mi) SE of Kamaishi, Japan (釜石)
245km (152mi) ESE of Ofunato, Japan (大船渡)
251km (156mi) ESE of Ishinomaki, Japan (石巻)
251km (156mi) SE of Otsuchi, Japan (大槌)
462km (287mi) ENE of Tokyo, Japan 

Related Links

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Tectonic Summary
Seismotectonics of Japan and Vicinity

Japan and the surrounding islands straddle four major tectonic plates:
Pacific plate; North America plate; Eurasia plate; and Philippine Sea plate.
The Pacific plate is subducted into the mantle, beneath Hokkaido and northern
Honshu, along the eastern margin of the Okhotsk microplate, a proposed
subdivision of the North America plate. Farther south, the Pacific plate is
subducted beneath volcanic islands along the eastern margin of the Philippine
Sea plate. This 2,200 km-long zone of subduction of the Pacific plate is
responsible for the creation of the deep offshore Ogasawara and Japan
trenches as well as parallel chains of islands and volcanoes, typical of
Circumpacific island arcs. Similarly, the Philippine Sea plate is itself
subducting under the Eurasia plate along a zone, extending from Taiwan to
southern Honshu that comprises the Ryukyu Islands and the Nansei-Shoto trench.

Subduction zones at the Japanese island arcs are geologically complex and
produce numerous earthquakes from multiple sources. Deformation of the
overriding plates generates shallow crustal earthquakes, whereas slip at the
interface of the plates generates interplate earthquakes that extend from
near the base of the trench to depths of 40 to 60 km. At greater depths,
Japanese arc earthquakes occur within the subducting Pacific and Philippine
Sea plates and can reach depths of nearly 700 km. Since 1900, three great
earthquakes occurred off Japan and three north of Hokkaido. They are the M8.4
1933 Sanriku-oki earthquake, the M8.3 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, the M9.0
2011 Tohoku earthquake, the M8.4 1958 Etorofu earthquake, the M8.5 1963 Kuril
earthquake, and the M8.3 1994 Shikotan earthquake.


NHK已改播地震相關新聞, 日本氣象廳亦對宮城縣發布高度兩公尺的海嘯警報, 本州島
其它太平洋沿岸縣份 (青森縣~茨城縣)發布50公分的海嘯注意報


All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2012-12-10T14:39
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-12-13T12:09
5 弱: http://tinyurl.com/Earthquake20121207WikiJA


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-12-06T17:59
(偷偷請問請益和問題的差別在哪?) 對不起我來發廢問了,我知道我地球科學學得很差......。 我最近有時會感覺到有些微搖晃,後來也確定有發生地震, 可是我所在的位置卻沒有在中央氣象局標示出級數的地方, 也就是震度大概是零級,可是就所知零級震度應該是無感地震, 像最近夜裡花蓮兩次有感地震,我 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-12-03T15:05
今天在上課的時候 教到and#34;潛移and#34;為斷層緩慢滑動 學生反駁 課本上寫潛移是and#34;外營力and#34;,為什麼跟斷層有關? 拿了地理課本,才發現他講的是山崩類型之一 地科是講and#34;滑移and#34; 地理課本又分成and#34;滑動and#34;和and#34;潛移and ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-12-03T03:27
剛剛被花蓮的地震給嚇到了 想買一台警報器 卻發現這個....(掏寶看到的) http://ppt.cc/i1TK 想說 這是日本製的樣子 還要調水平什麼的阿 好專業 也有對於這個東西的介紹影片 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ3NDM1MzA4.html 一開始 ...

北極海冰融化 面積比美國大

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-11-30T00:33
http://ppt.cc/eHA7 北極海冰融化 面積比美國大 中央社 - 2012年11月29日 下午4:22 (中央社卡達杜哈29日綜合外電報導)根據聯合國世界氣象組織(WMO),北極海冰今年消融面積比美國還大,海冰面積急遽萎縮,顯示氣候變遷正在「我們眼前」發生。 美聯社報導,聯合國在卡 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-11-23T13:29
記者楊晴雯/台北報導 世界末日真的要來了嗎?日本東北大學地震專家松澤暢教授 ,於21日在東京舉行地震專家會議上,發表了一份研究報告 指出,地球未來恐會發生芮氏地震規模10的超大型地震,此 言論一出立即引發熱烈討論,中央氣象局地震測報中心主任 郭鎧紋今(23)日對此表示,「可作參考,但不須驚慌」。 松澤暢表 ...