Man gets 15 years jail for fatal bashing - 墨爾本

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-07-29T12:39

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A 21-year-old ringleader in the fatal bashing of a university researcher in
Melbourne has been jailed for 15 years.

Lone pedestrian Dr Cao Zhongjun, 41, died of horrific head injuries after
being set upon by a gang led by John Caratozzolo in Footscray.

The Supreme Court heard that Caratozzolo, of Melton South, had set out to rob
someone of their mobile phone in January last year.

Justice David Harper said Caratozzolo and his six associates surrounded Dr
Cao and bashed him in a terrifying attack.

Caratozzolo landed a final vicious kick to his head then ran away laughing,
he said.

Justice Harper said that after leaving Dr Cao dying on the footpath,
Caratozzolo led another vicious assault on an Indian man later that night.

The judge said there was an element of racism in the cowardly attacks.

Justice Harper said Caratozzolo not only murdered Dr Cao but ruined the lives
of his wife and daughter.

"You must confront the evil consequences of what you did," the judge said.

Caratozzolo was jailed for a minimum of 10 years.

He pleaded guilty to murder and two counts of robbery.


Take my hand,
You have to give me a chance.
I looked around and feel this time I can't pretend.
You're so light,
I'll make you fly through this night.
I can't keep on believe that you are all over my mind.


All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-07-31T04:42
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-08-02T10:17
Footscray 不意外
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-08-02T12:01
才判 15 年????殺了一個人說~~~


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-07-28T22:21
大家好~之前在板上有PO過請大家推薦在墨爾本的旅館 那也謝謝大家的幫忙! 我們有順利定到旅館!! 那現在想請問另一個問題就是 我們這次去要去開�� ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-07-28T19:23
我一個客人,是個好媽媽~ 她女兒在墨爾本monash念書 caulfield campus 校區 他和他先生,本來預計8/5飛到墨爾本 已找好租屋,要去陪女兒半年 今天突然打來說仲 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-07-28T17:04
[澳洲] 澳洲廣角第177集 新唐人電視 2007-7-27 21:21 【新唐人】各位觀眾朋友大家好,我是淩雲,歡迎來到澳洲廣角。 本期節目中我們將 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2009-07-28T10:24
[澳洲] 澳洲廣角第175集 新唐人電視 2007-7-12 23:12 【新唐人】各位觀眾朋友大家好,我是淩雲,歡迎來到澳洲廣角。 在今天的節目,我 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-07-25T18:38
想要去樂器行看一下bass 請問哪邊有比較便宜的店呢? --