NRDC wins landmark case against Navy sonar - 生態環境討論

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2003-08-30T08:27

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A federal court has just handed down its decision in our case against the U.S.
Navy and I wanted you to be the first to hear the great news. In a resounding
victory for whales and other marine mammals, the court ruled that it will bar
the Navy from deploying its high-intensity LFA sonar system across most of the
world's oceans.


The LFA (Low Frequency Active) sonar system would have blasted hundreds of
thousands of square miles of ocean habitat with noise so intense it can maim,
deafen and even kill whales. In her historic ruling, Judge LaPorte agreed with
NRDC that the sonar's booming noise could "irreparably harm" the marine
environment and threaten the very survival of endangered populations of whales,
sea turtles and other marine species.

LFA (低頻率主動) 聲納系統在海洋中的影響範圍可達數百萬平方英哩
會嚴重損害海洋哺乳動物 海龜 以及其他種類海洋生物的聽力 甚至殺死他們

Judge LaPorte has ordered the Navy to begin negotiations with NRDC on a plan
for safely testing the sonar system in a limited area.

This is truly a banner day for the Earth's environment. The court has granted a
life-saving reprieve to dozens of species of magnificent marine mammals. But
its ruling also sends a message loud and clear to the White House that it is
not above our nation's environmental laws. The Bush administration trampled all
over those laws when it gave the Navy a blank check to operate the deadly LFA
sonar system virtually anywhere in the world.

無視預算 要他們無論如何都要將LFA設置在世界的各個角落

It's also a banner day for hundreds of thousands of NRDC members and activists
like you. When we began this fight eight years ago, we were told that our
chances of stopping the military's classified LFA program were slim to none.
But that conventional wisdom seriously underestimated the collective power of a
determined citizenry.


Your financial contributions and online activism fueled an NRDC legal strategy
that prevailed, in the end, over the world's most powerful military
establishment. There is no finer example of democracy in action.

The fight to protect our oceans against high-intensity sonar is not over. The
Navy could appeal the court's ruling. And right now the Bush administration is
trying to get exemptions for the Navy from some of the very environmental laws
NRDC used to block deployment of the LFA system. With your help, NRDC will do
everything it can to ensure that these efforts do not succeed.

面對全世界最強勢的美國海軍 保育人士與軍事強權的戰爭才正要開始

But all that lies ahead. For today, at least, we've won a significant victory,
one worth savoring and celebrating. On behalf of our entire legal team, I want
to thank you for coming to the defense of marine mammals around the world.

大家一起為海洋加油 =)

Think, talk, feel.
And life will be different.


All Comments

Re: 一件殘忍的事情

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2003-08-25T12:54
※ 引述《BatOnFire (Firebat)》之銘言: : 我贊同你的想法 : 但是 : 如果換成是兩個人 互毆 : 贏的人 滿臉是血 : 擂台下的人 歡呼 : 你覺得如何? 每次看到關於描述羅馬競技場的電影EX:神鬼戰士, 都覺得當時的人好像瘋了。 : 我覺得真正應該難過的事 : 不該是這種小事... ...

Re: 一件殘忍的事情

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2003-08-25T12:24
我贊同你的想法 但是 如果換成是兩個人 互毆 贏的人 滿臉是血 擂台下的人 歡呼 你覺得如何? 我覺得真正應該難過的事 不該是這種小事.... -- Life is a game without SAVE and LOAD. - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2003-08-24T23:00
昨天是我第一次去華西街夜市 但我也下定決心那是我最後一次去 因為我居然在那的店家看到他們在播and#34;鬥狗and#34;的畫面 andgt;and#34;andlt; 記憶中第一次知道鬥狗這件事 是看新聞不小心看到的 而且 我看到的是最後一個畫面 贏的狗 滿口的鮮血 狗的主人非常開心 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2003-08-23T23:28
※ 引述《ilmf (我要當數學家教)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《gloriadli (我喜歡我的口罩怪獸啊!)》之銘言: : : 我知道垃圾車有在收.. : : 但經過我家的垃圾車每次收廢紙都很凶 : : 想到有時候會在路上看到辛苦收紙的老人 : : 不知如果在永和那兒可找到這樣的人呢? : : 謝!! : ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2003-08-22T11:44
※ 引述《gloriadli (我喜歡我的口罩怪獸啊!)》之銘言: : 我知道垃圾車有在收.. : 但經過我家的垃圾車每次收廢紙都很凶 : 想到有時候會在路上看到辛苦收紙的老人 : 不知如果在永和那兒可找到這樣的人呢? : 謝!! 我也想知道.. -- http://photo.taipeilink. ...