Peru y Brasil 2010 Agosto - 北美

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-02-18T01:56

Table of Contents

We are a group of guys with age ranging from 28-33 who are based in Taiwan,
Hong-Kong, and the Bay Area, CA.

Because there were people backing out, we are now looking for 2-3 more
people interested in traveling to Peru/Brazil this coming summer.
Knowing some Spanish/Portuguese would be a plus.

Time: Aug 3rd to Aug 28th
Group size: 4-6
Visa requirements (if taiwanese passport holder):
*Peru- exempted
*Brazil- required
Coarse itinerary:

We'll be flying from Miami to Lima on 8/3, spend 12 days in Peru,
then fly from Lima to Sao Paulo on 8/15, and stay in Brazil until 8/28.
Places that are surely to be included in the itinerary are as followed,
*Peru: Lima, Cuzco, Machu-Picchu, Areguipa, Nazca
*Brazil: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Morro de Sao Paulo, Salvador, Recife
However, everything is still open for discussion at this stage. So all
suggestions and comments are welcome. Besides, you can leave any time you
want if you do not intend to stay that long in SA.


~USD$3500 (if flying from Taiwan) - flights+accommodations+meals+Inca Trail

The open-jaw round trip tickets of Miami-Lima-Sao Paulo-Miami(or New York)
ranges from USD$625-900 on Orbitz and Priceline right now. If flying from
Taiwan to Miami, an additional USD$1500-1600 will be added. So in sum, the
transportation cost by flights will be around USD$2500 at max (if you buy
them asap) in a total.

According to the guidebook of Lonely Planet, bugdets per day are,
*Peru: USD$15-25/day
*Brazil: USD$35-45/day
Since we will be traveling on budget (like staying in cheap hostels,
eating in local market places, etc), I'll just take the lower one
(Peru: USD$15/day, Brazil: USD$35/day) as our estimates. As a result,
the local cost will be around USD$600 in sum.

The Inca Trail/Machu-Picchu classic 4d trek costs about USD$450/person.

Please contact me directy by email if interested: [email protected]
We have a facebook group for discussion too. I'll let you know about the
details after contacting me.


Tags: 北美

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17 Mile Drive (17哩海岸)

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-02-14T04:23
詳細圖文板: 從 LA 開到 SF 或整個 Bay Area 的這段路, 開了無數次 主要有三種不同的選擇, 州際5號 (I-5), 國道 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-02-11T11:39
※ 引述《vince02 (日薄西山 氣息奄奄)》之銘言: : 是這樣的 : 我年中要去美國唸書,預計一月底回國 : (TPE---JFK) : 本來預計是買華航年票(學生票) : 但聽� ...

3/4~3/13 之間 六天五夜 或 五天四夜

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-02-11T11:05
※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板] 作者: sportme (Preposterous) 看板: Ind-travel 標題: [徵伴] 3/4~3/13 之間 六天五夜 或 五天四夜 時間: Thu Feb 11 11:00:50 2010 地點:舊 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2010-02-11T09:58
請問現在飛美國的隨身行李可以帶果凍嗎? --


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-02-10T17:12
是這樣的 我年中要去美國唸書,預計一月底回國 (TPE---JFK) 本來預計是買華航年票(學生票) 但聽說有更便宜的買法 就是在台灣買one-way ticket 要回國前再� ...