practicing interview questions online - 紐澳

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-06-25T10:09

Table of Contents

dear job seekers,

are you expecting an interview and needing practice to be fluent? You want to be
prepared ahead of this and start your preparation as early as possible.
I am looking forward to practicing this online via skype. As you might have noticed, today's companies
are looking for candidate possessing qualities they need. So one of the purposes
of this practice is to identify keywords (e.g. collaboration) from your job ad and tailor your response
to these qualities. Custom-making your qualities/strengths to meet their needs
could potentially help you stand out. This is intelletually understood but can
you deliver this during an interview? Practice could help you achieve this.

Please email Chang at [email protected]

Please email Chang at [email protected]

Please email Chang at [email protected]

I am a PhD candidate at Macquarie Uni. My profile will be attached when I reply to you

Tags: 紐澳

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-06-25T01:16
目前有一台15.6吋的大筆電 可是感覺帶去打工好像太大台 換成小筆電或者是平板電腦會比較好嗎 還是直接帶大筆電去也沒差atat? --


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-06-23T16:10
六月底會離開凱恩斯,一些小東西出清 這是我在背包客棧的發文,有需要可以站內信聯絡唷^^ 交易時間跟 ...

UNSW校區附近 7/13-17 住宿

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-06-22T15:56
大家好,小弟在7/13-17之間需要上去Sydney的UNSW參加GSA conference 由於經費較緊,個人是希望能省下一點住宿費,想問問有沒有版友住在大學附近並且可以提 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-06-22T09:42
各位板友大家好 我從台灣來的時候忘了買變壓器了 導致有一樣電器無法使用 跑了很多地方, 都只有看到轉接頭, 都說This adaptor does not convert voltage 不� ...

QLD昆士蘭 交通罰單 查詢

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-06-21T14:57
想請問要怎麼查詢QLD的交通罰單? 因為一直在移動當初填的地址也是臨時的share house 另外想問上上周也剛買新的REGO可是一直都沒收到 這週又要移動了� ...