Prince Charles 'wanted Aussie republic' - 紐澳

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-11-16T10:45

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作者: balanceCIH (revenge) 看板: IA
標題: [新聞] Prince Charles 'wanted Aussie republic'
時間: Mon Nov 16 10:45:12 2009

標題: Prince Charles 'wanted Aussie republic'



Prince Charles secretly confided he believed Australia should split from
Britain and become a republic while touring there 32 years ago, a new book

A new autobiography claims the heir to the throne told a 1977 dinner party in
Sydney that he did not understand "why Australia bothered with us - we really
are yesterday's news".

The Sunday Express newspaper said entertainment mogul Harry M. Miller reveals
in his autobiography details of the prince's gaffe and how Charles bedded
several Australian women while on tour.

"I distinctly remember one dinner party we had in his honour, when Prince
Charles and Michael Kirby (a former Australian High Court judge) were
discussing the monarchy," according to extracts printed by the newspaper.

"Charles's line of argument was he couldn't understand why Australia bothered
with us - we really are yesterday's news."

Mr Miller told the newspaper he remembered the prince being quite strident in
his views about an Australian republic.

"What he was saying was that Australia should be a republic and it was really
bull**** to be kow-towing to the British monarchy," Mr Miller said.

A Clarence House spokesman downplayed Miller's account.

"We do not comment on private conversations that may or may not have happened
but these words do not ring true at all as having been said by the prince,"
the spokesman said.

"They do not in any way reflect his royal highness's views on Australia."

Miller also claims in his book, Confessions of a Not-So-Secret Agent, that
Charles entertained several women, including the daughter of a prominent
Australian politician, during his visit.

"He had a lot of fun during that visit - and he even used my house in
Centennial Park to entertain a handful of young women, including his friend
Lady Dale Kanga Tryon and the very pretty daughter of a well-known NSW
politician, whose name I best not reveal," Miller wrote.

"The reason Charles spent so much time at my house during his stay was
because he couldn't stand NSW Government House.

"Apparently none of the royals liked it because it had more protocol and
stuffiness than Buckingham Palace."

Tags: 紐澳

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