Re: Why can't I type chinese on PTT? - 舊金山

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2005-09-08T10:37

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※ 引述《bottlehsu (我好想養狗)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《boyzones (N￾N￾  ￾ N￾N￾)》之銘言:
: : dear all,
: : i am student in the u.s
: : i just reinstall my computer and format everything..
: : after i reinstall everything and update everything language from
: : windows..i still can't type chinese in ptt....i can type chinese outside of ptt
: : does anyone have the same problem before?..
: : please teach me how to do..because i rmember i can type chinese on PTT too
: : even i am in the U.S
: I got the same problem when I stayed in SF this August.
: I guess there are two possible reasons:
: first, the software.
: second, your computer.
: If you take your own laptop from Taiwan,
: I bet it won't be any problem when you type in Chinese.
: However, if you use the computer in SF, I think it's hard
: to install Chinese input method. I don't know why.
: I couldn't type in Chinese without using my own laptop.
: well...good luck!

現在有點忘記怎麼弄, 但是如果我沒記錯的話..

使用 英文版 xp 的話, 要先用下面的步驟改


Reginal and Language

Advanced tab

把 language for non-unicode programs

改成 chinese (Taiwan)

如果沒看到這個選項, 就代表你還沒裝中文的 language pack


弄好之後, 中文的東西應該都看得到了~~~

PCMAN 也都變成中文囉


如果要在 bbs 上打中文的話, 可以試試看先開 word 然後在那邊打完中文之後

copy and paste 到 kkman 上

因為是好幾年前使用的方法, 有點忘記....

但是如果我沒記錯, pcman 是可以直接打的, kkman 好像是要用貼的 @@"

太久沒用英文系統, 有點忘了.... 試試看吧...


All Comments


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2005-09-07T23:54
那可以請問一下dominican university of california 這所大學的評價嗎? 我是要去念語言學校 想稍微知道這所學校的風評...謝謝 -- 優雅並非被注意... 而是被記住.... - ...

Re: Why can't I type chinese on PTT?

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2005-09-07T21:32
※ 引述《boyzones (N￾N￾  ￾ N￾N￾)》之銘言: : dear all, : i am student in the u.s : i just reinstall my computer and format everything.. : after i reinstall every ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2005-09-05T23:20
※ 引述《diamondgrace (主恩滿溢的佳佳)》之銘言: : 因為想要去fremont住,想請問附近有什麼學校呢? Fremont 附近的大學?比較知名的大學有加大柏克萊分校,與史丹佛 大學,還有幾個加州州立大學分校包括: California State University East Bay ( ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2005-09-05T23:12
※ 引述《diamondgrace (主恩滿溢的佳佳)》之銘言: : 因為想要去fremont住,想請問附近有什麼學校呢? 南邊有社區大學Ohlone College 再往南到San Jose有4年制大學San Jose State University、Santa Clara University 北邊到 ...

在舊金山那裡可以Therapeutica Cervical pillow

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2005-09-05T22:19
想問一下 在舊金山那裡可以買到Therapeutica Cervical pillow 找半天找不太到andgt;andlt;and#34;and#34; -- - ...