Re: 綠了! - 移民

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-08-22T13:40

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※ 引述《satyricon (Deja Vu)》之銘言:
Card production ordered

從EB2-NIW I-140於2007年2月送件起約經歷一年半,總算I-485被approved!


EB2-NIW I-140
Center: TSC
RD: 02/2007
Approved: 08/2007

I-485 / I-131 / I-765
Center: NSC
RD: 11/2007
FP: 12/2007
I-131 / I-765 approved: 01/2008

RFE: 07/2008
RFE replied by express mail: 08/11/2008
CPO: 08/20/2008
soft LUD: 08/21/2008
Approval notice sent: 08/25/2008
Physical Cards Received: 08/25/2008
Approval notice received: 08/26/2008

我的 RFE 細節:

1. a statement indicating the name and location of your current
employer, including the date you began employment with the organization.

2. a currently dated letter of employment and other documentary
evidence, which establishes that you will continue to be engaged in the
occupation of which the national interest waiver is based. This evidence
shall specify how you intend to serve the national interest and confirm that
you intend to carry out the terms and conditions of the underlying 1-140

3. copies of your most current W-2 and pay statements/vouchers.

4. additional information to establish that you have been maintaining
your J-l Status, up to the filing of your Form 1-485 on 11/23/07.
Such evidence should be a letter signed by a designated responsible
officer or alternate responsible officer certifying that you have been in
good standing and copies of all employment authorization documents.

5. You failed to indicate "Last Address Outside the U.S. of More Than One
yea" on your Form G-325A, Biographic Information. Therefore, submit a
statement listing the country of your last residence outside the U.S.

6. a current photocopy of the pages in your passport, which contain
your U.S. visa and any other pages with U.S. Immigration stamps or

7. a copy of a clear photo identity document such as a driver’s
license, State ID, or another type of photo I.D., with the same information.
The identity document copy must CLEARLY SHOW the photograph and identity

我老婆的RFE跟我差不多,有關雇主和 NIW的部分她不用。

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-08-25T15:57
恭喜。 你應該會收到歡迎信和不是綠色的綠卡。
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-08-27T18:11
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-09-01T16:39
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-09-02T01:40
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-09-05T20:34
你缺的東西也太多了吧 當初file I485這些都要交上去
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2008-09-06T12:31
律師要打屁股啊 不夠仔細
John avatar
By John
at 2008-09-08T00:24
律師還不錯啦,有些文件我確定當初有交,而且用過AP 件

去年年底的 PERM Audit Rate?

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-08-21T15:49
我聽律師說,那一陣子資訊類的被 audit 很多。我的 case 也是那時候被 audit 到之後才發現公司出了一個大問題,被律師撤回來。 後來公司又馬上重辦PERM,結果大概今天五月通過,當初被 audit 到的很多到現 在都還沒有消息。 ※ 引述《pest (這些分鐘妳有沒有想過我?)》之銘言: : ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-08-21T10:25
不好意思 第一次在這裡po版 如果問題不適合請告知 我會自D 謝謝 想請問若與美國公民結婚並更改姓氏 那在台灣原本的姓也要改掉嗎? 還是說 可以在美國使用對方的姓 在台灣可以保有原來姓氏 因為我在台灣想使用原來的姓 謝謝 - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-08-20T13:59
歹勢 我也來藉標題請教一下 我是上星期剛出爐的新公民 我娘親希望我幫我哥辦依親,而我家兩老本身沒打算拿綠卡 意味我哥得等上個十幾二十年才有可能輪到他 但我娘的意思是不管怎樣辦了總是個機會 現在的情況是 我明年要搬回台灣了 未來也沒再長居美國的計畫,要有的話大概是幾十年後退休時 前面看到依親面試時會問提申請 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2008-08-20T07:09
我對許多律師所打著and#34;第一次免費諮詢and#34;的口號滿好奇的 有板友有過諮詢的經驗嗎? 那我可以只去and#34;一次and#34;嗎?還是說一定得去個and#34;第二次and#34;才叫and#34;第一次免費?and#34; 律師諮詢的費用也是用小時計嗎? - ...

去年年底的 PERM Audit Rate?

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-08-19T06:27
剛剛在 trackitt 上面查大家 PERM 的進度,用 Atlanta, All Nationality, EB2,用 PERM filed 來排序, 往前翻看到從去年九月到今年一月,audit rate 看起來特別高,而且被查的幾乎多數都拖到現在還沒有結果,想請教一下去年 年底有什麼特別的事 ...