renewal EAD combo卡 - 移民

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-06-24T08:53

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網路上renew EAD combo卡的資訊好像不多,這幾天填表有一些問題不太確定如何回答,

先簡單描述一下本身的狀況:原本F1 visa,2017五月與美國公民結婚遞出AOS.同年7月申請
emergency advance parole出境後已順利回到美國.現在的ead combo在2018年9月到期.

1. 請問如何判別是哪一個uscis office發給我現持未過期的ead?
卡片上面的#是MSC開頭, 當初寄來通知說已核准ead近日會寄出的通知單上面寫有問題
跟National Benefits Center連絡.
所以我到底該寫Missouri Service Center 還是 National Benefits Center?

2. 最後一次入境美國的日期?

3. Status at last entry?
最後一次入境是使用emergency ap.請問我該填pending adjustment applicant?
adjustment of status I-485 pending還是什麼?

4. Current immigration status?
請問是填adjustment of status I-485 pending嗎?

5. Class of Admission.

6. 我這份renewal申請還需要附上I-94和F1 visa的copy嗎?

7. 在I-131的instructions裡寫到what if you claim nonresident alien status on
your federal income tax reruen? 以下複製貼上

If you are an alien who has been admitted as an immigrant or adjusted status
to that of an immigrant, and are considering
the filing of a nonresident alien tax return or the non-filing of a tax
return on the ground that you are a nonresident alien,
you should carefully review the consequences of such actions under the INA.
If you file a nonresident alien tax return or do not file a tax return, you
may be regarded as having abandoned residence in
the United States and as having lost your lawful permanent resident status
under the INA. As a consequence, you may be
under the INA. As a consequence, you may be
ineligible for a visa or other document for which lawful permanent resident
aliens are eligible.
You may also be inadmissible to the United States if you seek admission as a
returning resident, and you may become
ineligible for adjustment of status as a lawful permanent resident or
naturalization on the basis of your original entry.

這裡的問題是今年4月報稅是和先生一起合報,我自己2017年有兼差(w2)和一個full time


Tags: 移民

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2018-06-27T10:59
1.MSC 3.Parolee 4.yes 5.Pending AOS同4
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-06-29T20:41
2.你確定一下你看到的是until date還是AP章左下的入境日期
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-06-29T23:31
William avatar
By William
at 2018-07-03T02:03
6.F1 copy不需要,I94 copy應也不需要但是附上無害
6.F1 copy不需要,I94 copy應也不需要但是附上無害
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2018-07-06T01:32
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-07-07T04:27
我也是msc,可是我是寫Chicago lockbox
John avatar
By John
at 2018-07-11T02:47
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-07-15T21:34
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2018-07-17T12:05
謝謝!那我得再來研究一下為何我輸入DA barcode就消失了

EB2時程及485面試問題 分享

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-06-23T11:17
感謝此版在申請綠卡路上的陪伴 希望我的經驗能夠幫助到需要的人 EB2 時程: 2017/07 PERM 送出 2017/11 PERM 通過 2017/12 140 送出並加急,被RFE, 回覆RFE, 140 通過 2018/01 485 送出 2018/02 按指紋 2018/05 收到面試通知 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2018-06-22T02:45
網誌版: .................................. 時常看到不少人詢問申請美國公民的問題,以及符合申請公民的資格時間是如何計算的。 我想分享我特殊的美國公民 ...

Proof of domicile問題(已解決)

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-06-21T22:49
IR1核准,今天收到寄回來的護照包裹 原本申請的時候是CR1但是速度真得很慢,最後就自動變成IR1了 大概分享一下卡關的內容(IR1 consular process) 配偶是美國出生長大的白人,不過九零年代起就幾乎住在台灣,但沒有永久居留證 就是每兩年更換一次居留證和工作證,繳的也是台灣的稅但有向IRS申 ...

急問,AIT要求提供Form 1120

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-06-21T16:18
想請問一下各位大大,不知道有沒有人走CP有類似的經驗? 我下禮拜要去AIT進行EB3的面試,剛剛收到AIT的文件清單, 其中他要求: 雇主核發的聘書 (如有) AND PETITIONER’S TAX RETURNS FORM 1120 OF 2016/OR 2017. 聘書我已經拿到所以不是問題,但是 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-06-21T11:37
小弟正在使用OPT extension 今年運氣好也抽到H1B 預計是十月開始生效 但老婆公司去年幫我們辦了綠卡 上禮拜combo卡下來了 假設我七八月使用綠卡AP回國探親 就我所知我的OPT 是會立即失效的 但是十月才開始的H1B還會存在嗎? 是否變成只能用combo卡上班的情況 這樣的話感覺心會慌慌的 ...