Rogers 手機計劃- 舊客戶超值計劃! - 加拿大

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-06-15T13:42

Table of Contents

這是舊客戶合約、現在新辦的話 已買不到了。


I would like to transfer my cellphone plan to someone who needs..
Still have one year contract.
The company is Rogers.
The plan is old customers plan. Monthly pay is around $32.
The plan includes the following:
> -150 Outgoing Weekday Minutes
> -Unlimited Eve & Weekend Minutes
> -Unlimited Incoming Local Calls
> -Messaging Bundle Unlimited
> -6pm Early Evenings Calling
> -Call Forwarding/Call Transfer
> -Detailed Billing
> Government Regulatory Recovery Fee- $2.83

Call this number is you are interested.

Vinh Nguyen
cell: 514 629 8464
or email to [email protected]

如果有需要 歡迎來信! 謝謝


A jock , a stoner , a princess , a basket case , a brain


All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-06-19T01:47


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-06-14T12:43
我現在在維多利亞念語言學校 預計8月要出發從多倫多一路旅行到愛德華王子島 不知道有沒有同好也有意願的呢 或是半途上參予也行 本人超級迷糊 都�� ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-06-12T21:50
如題,陪老婆到多倫多走走, 目前急需安排6/26~6/28、7/6~7/8的住宿 如果住飯店1天可能都要4、5千台幣起跳...... 這種短期又不連續的住宿不知如何安排� ...

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Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-06-12T10:39
已出售 謝謝 長榮航空【全球任一航點】超級商務艙來回機票兌換券一張 兌換方式: 至長榮航空全台票務櫃檯 兌換 注意事項: 1) 機場稅/安檢稅/兵險費/ - ...

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Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-06-12T00:06
到期日 2012/06 (annual pass) 售價: 3000 NT 有租車去Rockies的朋友應該都會用到... 6/15號後會回台灣, 可寄站內信箱連絡, 6/12, 13會在Vancouver 也可以在skyline站�� ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-06-10T05:38
ID: darkinly 生日: 04月 目前(在學 OR 工作): 剛當完兵阿! 解脫 目前居住地: 目前住台灣,預計8/12飛往Kelowna 嚮往一年後能到Calgary工作 Blog or Email o ...