Rudd:將投資430億建設高速網路 - 紐澳

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-04-07T19:10

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Government spends $43 billion to establish National Broadband Network

The Federal Government will establish a new public company to build the
next-generation National Broadband Network (NBN) across Australia.

In a press conference this morning, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said it would
spend $43 billion to create a new wholesale-only fibre optic network across
Australia. The government-majority owned National Broadband Network
Corporation will work in partnership with the private sector over the next
7-8 years to build the network across regional and capital cities.

The network will provide access of up to 100Mbps to end users and cover over
90 per cent of the nation.

Prime Minister Rudd said it then planned to sell-off its stake in the
operations within five years of it being established. The decision
represented a historic moment in Australia’s history, and was the largest
infrastructure project ever laid out, he said.

“This injects a new player into the broadband market… a national,
wholesale, open access broadband network,” he said. “It sets up a path for
economic recovery and building a 21st century economy withy 21st century jobs.

Rudd claimed the network would provide 25,000 jobs every year during the
lifetime of the project, and up to 37,000 jobs during its peak. It will also
add $37 billion to GDP, he said.

The decision follows month of negotiations with private consortiums under the
NBN tender.

“We have tested the market but that has not produced an outcome which makes
the best use of the taxpayers’ dollar,” Rudd said. “Right now we are
dealing with a capital constrained world. We have acted on the advice of an
expert panel... otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

“There were two options – sit back, or get on and do it. And we intend to
[get on and] do that.”

The first step will see the Government outlay $250 million and build a fibre
optic backbone in regional Australia, Senator Stephen Conroy said.

“The conditions are that it is open access and wholesale only,” he said. “
We will have an implementation study over the next eight or nine months to
work out the issues and challenges.”

The Government will also work with the Tasmanian Government on its proposal
for high-speed services in that state and hoped to get things rolling by

“We’re negotiating with the Tasmanian Government over the next 24 hours as
to the rollout… we believe they are ready to go,” Conroy said.

UPDATED | Kevin Rudd has announced that the NBN tender process has been
terminated, and that the government will go it alone on a new $43 billion
broadband network.

The new wholesale-only network will connect 90% of homes with fibre to the
home and will offer 100Mbit/s, with "next-generation" wireless and
"third-generation" satellites to cover the remaining population. The network
will be "open access" so retail ISPs can build their own products to sell to
businesses and consumers.

"We believe that fast broadband is absolutely essential for our nation's
future", he said at a press conference outside Parliament House today.

"The Government has announced it will establish a new company that will
invest up to $43 billion over eight years to build and operate a National
Broadband Network delivering superfast broadband to Australian homes and
workplaces", said an announcement on the DBCDE website.

Calling it, the "single largest infrastructure decision in Australia's
history", Rudd said the project would employ up to 37,000 people a year and
help stimulate the Australian economy. Private industry would contribute up
to 49% of the funds, and the government would sell the company after
operating it for 5 years, he said.

The tender process was cancelled as "none of the national proposals offered
value for money". "The Panel noted the rapid deterioration of the global
economy had a significant impact on the process", it said.

Senator Conroy said that the Tasmanian Government's proposal had merit and
that "fast-track" negotiations will occur to get a Tasmanian roll-out started
as early as July.

The rest of the country will have to wait for an "implementation study to
determine the operating arrangements, detailed network design, ways to
attract private sector investment – for roll-out early 2010".

A consultative process will occur to determine a more effective
telecommunications regulatory framework which will also cover the new
broadband network.

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2009-04-10T12:16
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-04-15T08:10
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-04-17T07:52
What is 金盾?
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-04-20T02:57
"金盾工程" 詳見中文wikipedia
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-04-20T22:42
控網路,硬是加個金盾進去,商家抗議也沒用 XD
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-04-21T16:32
之前還弄個黑名單出來想請ISP擋結果被幹醮的要死 XDD

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Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-04-07T15:39
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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-04-07T12:37
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-04-07T06:35
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sunny bank??在............?

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-04-07T00:22
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sunny bank??在............?

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-04-06T23:46
我是打算前往布里斯本的 最近一直都有在網路上爬文 不過一直看到sunny bank這個字 他是在布里斯本嗎? 我是有用地圖看,可是還是不是很懂 在地圖上好像 ...