Six may have virus in ACT - 紐澳

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2009-04-30T02:18

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Six may have virus in ACT
29/04/2009 12:18:00 PM

Ninety-one Australians are being tested for the potentially deadly swine flu

As at 11am (AEST) Wednesday, there are 31 suspected cases in Queensland, 19
in Victoria, 14 in South Australia, 10 in NSW, eight in Western Australia,
six in the ACT, two in Tasmania and one in the Northern Territory.

Health authorities are also in contact with an additional 22 people who were
on the same flight last Saturday as Auckland high school students who tested
positive to swine flu.


As at 11am (AEST) Wednesday, April 29, there are 91 suspected cases in

Queensland - 31

Victoria - 19

South Australia - 14

NSW - 10

Western Australia - eight

ACT - six

Tasmania - two

Northern Territory - one


Pharmacy Guild president Kos Sclavos says face masks will be replenished by
Thursday in pharmacies that have sold out of them.

Anti-viral drugs believed to be effective in treating the swine flu - Tamiflu
and Relenza - are also in plentiful supply.

Olympic diver Matthew Mitcham is stranded in a training camp in the coastal
town of Veracruz, some 400 kilometres west of Mexico city.

The Beijing Games gold medallist and his diving partner Alexandra Croak
participated in a FINA world diving series event in Mexico City last weekend.

"I'm more concerned boarding a plane than I am staying here," Mitcham told
ABC Radio.

The pair will continue to train in the town until the NSW Institute of Sport
can find a flight for them and has sent them Tamiflu as a precaution.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has advised Australians to
reconsider travelling to Mexico, where swine flu is feared to have killed 152

Travellers are also warned to exercise caution in the United States and
Canada, where non-fatal swine flu cases have been confirmed.

The Queensland state government is pressing ahead with trade missions despite
the swine flu outbreak.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh is scheduled to leave next week on a two-week
trade mission to Spain, the United Arab Emirates and Russia.

There has been two confirmed cases of swine flu in Spain.

Trade Minister Stephen Robertson is due to visit a biotechnology conference
in the US in May.

Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said Governor-General Quentin Bryce has
consented to sweeping new quarantine powers for health officials in response
to the global outbreak of swine flu.

Authorities now have the power to detain people with symptoms of the virus.

But Ms Roxon stressed the powers were only precautionary measures and won't
necessarily be used.

"We are not about to take those steps but we want to make sure that all the
powers are there, that we are ready to act if this takes a dramatic turn for
the worst," she told ABC Radio.

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Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-05-01T01:22

新聞小辭典/新型豬流感 好發於成年人 …

George avatar
By George
at 2009-04-29T17:22
※ [本文轉錄自 Ecophilia 看板] 作者: balanceCIH (爆肝 ) 看板: Ecophilia 標題: [新聞] 新聞小辭典/新型豬流感 好發於成年人 致死率高達6.7% 時間: Mon Apr 27 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-04-29T16:56
※ 引述《potatojam ()》之銘言: : 今天去了QV裡的藥局 : 和Bourke street上的藥局 : 都沒有看到 : 連一般的口罩都沒有 : 請問在Melbourne哪裡可以買到N95口罩 : � ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-04-29T11:21
今天去了QV裡的藥局 和Bourke street上的藥局 都沒有看到 連一般的口罩都沒有 請問在Melbourne哪裡可以買到N95口罩 謝謝 --


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-04-29T08:20
不用特意拿退稅單 直接把收據拿到機場 如SYD機場一樓有一個稅務的辦公室 順便帶你買的東西過去 檢查完後收據上會被蓋個章 蓋完之後你再看你的東� ...

Brisbane的Griffith University風評如何?

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-04-29T08:14
想請問一下是否有前輩是念GU的呢? 我有打算申請這間的商務或酒店管理學士, 不知這間大學和QUT在學習上有什麼差別嗎 ? 讀 酒店管理、運動管理、旅遊� ...