Stop Seal Clubbing - 生態環境討論

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2003-04-26T08:04

Table of Contents

Stop Killing Seals in Canada
More than one million seals will be killed over the next three
years under a new Canadian government plan. The policy includes
a new seal kill quota that will allow up to 350,000 baby seals to be
clubbed or shot to death each year for the next three years.

Several polls have consistently shown the Canadian public is
fiercely opposed to the seal hunt, and many Europeans and
Americans have vowed to avoid buying Canadian products because
of the hunt. We must take action quickly, ice in the Northwest
Atlantic has begun to disappear at an alarming rate - risking the
very survival of ice-breeding seal populations. We can not further
endanger this beautiful species:

少吹冷氣 少吃肉 少騎車 節省用電
Love on Nature, mother of all.

Ptt生態保育版 版名: Ecophilia
C)分類看板 - 10)生活娛樂館 - 3)HappyLiving - 4)Ecophilia


All Comments

Re: 台大生態與演化研究所

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2003-04-24T08:25
生統 解釋名詞(八題): 變方分析 檢定力 變異係數 中央極限定裡 假設檢定 決定係數 第一型錯誤 ? 問答題: 1.使用無母數方 ...

Re: 台大生態與演化研究所

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2003-04-24T08:20
※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : : 解釋名詞: : : ecology service : : the 10% law : : inclusive fitness : : lokta-vol... model : : ?? : : 問答: : ...

Re: 台大生態與演化研究所

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2003-04-24T08:19
※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : 解釋名詞: : ecology service : the 10% law : inclusive fitness : lokta-vol... model : ?? : 問答: 1.Metapopulation的定義?在生態的理論及應用上扮演的腳色? ...

Re: 台大生態與演化研究所

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2003-04-24T00:00
※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : 解釋名詞: : ecology service : the 10% law : inclusive fitness : lokta-vol... model Lotka-Volterra model : ?? : 問答: : 1.Megapopulation ...

Re: 台大生態與演化研究所

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2003-04-23T07:42
※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《huck (如歌的行版)》之銘言: : : 請問有版友今年友去考這個所嗎? : : 可否將考試題目(概略地)PO在這裡 : : 對於這個新設立的研究所的考題頗感好奇 : 解釋名詞: : ecology service : the 10% law : ...