Swine flu in NZ 'likely' - 紐西蘭

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-04-26T20:14

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Ten Rangitoto College pupils have tonight tested positive for influenza with
health officials saying they consider it "likely" they have swine flu.

Swine flu is believed to have killed more than 80 people in Mexico and over
1300 are sick as a result of catching the virus which has also hit parts of
the United States.

Health officials said tonight there were also three other high schools at
risk with pupils from Northcote College having recently returned from Mexico,
while Pinehurst and Westlake Girls High also had pupils in the United States
and South America.

Health Minister Tony Ryall said most of the flu-affected pupils from
Rangitoto College were on the "road to recovery", but other pupils had since
come down with flu-like symptoms. Twenty-two pupils and three teachers were
on the trip with 14 showing flu-like symptoms.

The affected pupils were being kept in isolation at home along with their
family members.

One pupil was taken to hospital on Saturday, but was not in a serious

Dr Darren Hunt, deputy director of public health, said it could take days
till they knew whether the influenza was H1N1 swine flu - a subset of
Influenza A.

Melbourne health authorities were being contacted and would carry out the

Until results were known, health officials are treating the situation as if
the victims had swine flu and have upgraded the country’s health alert
status to "code yellow".

"I think it is important to recognise the concern that we have and [that] the
deaths that have been reported from Mexico.

"At the same time the cases that have been reported from the United States
seem to be relatively mild and there haven't been any deaths reported from
the US," Dr Hunt said.

While it was a new flu strain, patients that had been treated with Tamiflu
had responded, he said.

At this stage health officials had no plans to order more Tamiflu as
pharmacies still had "quite a bit in stock," Health Ministry pandemic
planning co-ordinator Steve Brazier said.

Officials stressed however, that anyone with flu symptoms should visit their
doctor and not treat themselves.

Doctors and nurses would also be stationed at Auckland International Airport
from early tomorrow to screen for possible symptoms from travellers landing
from North and Central America.

Officials would also seek fellow passengers onboard Air New Zealand's NZ1 Los
Angeles flight that landed early yesterday and carried the affected Rangitoto
College pupils for testing.

They could not say whether it was likely that other passengers onboard the
Air NZ flight could have contracted the virus, but it was of concern.

"These people on the plane… may have been infected," Dr Hunt said.

Anyone who had gone to Mexico or North America should urgently contact their
doctors if they felt unwell, he said.

Air New Zealand said tonight that 364 passengers were onboard the NZ1 flight.

The airline said it was is in close contact with the Auckland district health
board and the Health Ministry and reiterated advice that passengers onboard
should consult with their GP or other health professionals if they developed
flu-like symptoms.

"Air New Zealand is supplying that same information to its crew through its
medical team," it said in a statement.

Middlemore Hospital had released Tamiflu to the Auckland Regional Public
Health Service to treat the patients and people who had been in contact with

The Ministry was in contact with the World Health Organisation and was
liaising with Australia in terms of their response.

The Ministry was also working closely with Auckland Regional Public Health,
district health boards and other Government agencies including MAF, Customs
and the Ministry of Education.

It would keep New Zealanders informed of developments, Mr Ryall said.

- with NZPA


就住Rangitoto College附近的說= ="


大學老師剛剛還寄信來說要我們有疑似感冒症狀就別去上課 趕快去看醫生

嘖嘖... 希望不會真的爆發swine flu啊...


All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-05-01T01:53
會怕就去買口罩來戴 還有要勤洗手,多吃蔬果增強抵抗力


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-04-23T17:24
說真的這些人其實都很膽小.... 都已捉弄人為樂... 分享個例子........ 話說我朋友是個嬌小的女生 (155又很瘦) 有天跟她走在路上 突然對面停在路邊一 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-04-22T19:33
周末要去紐西蘭出差 想請問一下現在的天氣如何 看Yahoo氣象約莫是11-18度 需要帶到厚外套嗎?(羽毛衣之類的) 我要去的地方主要是Tauranga和Hamilton 如果 ...

[情報] 紐西蘭打工度假辦法終於出來了!!!

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-04-21T20:00
※ [本文轉錄自 WorkanTravel 看板] 作者: SLF (自由) 看板: WorkanTravel 標題: [情報] 紐西蘭打工度假辦法終於出來了!!! 時間: Mon Apr 20 21:21:04 2009 每天留意紐�� ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-04-21T14:05
其實這種事在我待過的紐西蘭一樣常發生 白人看到亞洲人, 無故叫罵, 走過你身邊轉頭罵你髒話等等 叫我們滾回去 ... 有時真的很想說 and#34;你們的�� ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-04-17T13:59
算算來到紐西蘭已經四十多天了! 每天都很認真地玩認真地寫遊記 在ptt潛水這麼久 也該有點貢獻了啦! 我遊玩的行程如下: 1. TPE to BKK to AKL(坐泰航�� ...