SydneyPass vs TravelPass - 雪梨

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-12-22T21:08

Table of Contents

我打算在雪梨停留7天 住的地方是caringbah

SydneyPass 7 days = 170 以下是規則

‧Unlimited travel on CityRail services in the Red TravelPass zone.
‧Unlimited travel on all regular Sydney Buses plus unlimited travel on
Sydney Explorer and Bondi Explorer.
‧Unlimited travel on all regular Sydney Ferries services plus RiverCats to
‧One trip to the Airport from any CityRail station within the Red TravelPass
zone. Valid during the validity of the ticket (3, 5 or 7 days) OR one trip to
the Airport from any City station valid for two months after the expiry date
shown on the ticket.
‧Bonus: tickets sold at AirportLink Stations also include one trip from the
Airport to any station in the City.

而另外一種是 TravelPass 7 days pink = 53 因為我住的地方在pink區

‧Unlimited travel on CityRail services in the area bounded by Bondi
Junction, Cowan, Carlingford, Richmond, Emu Plains, Macarthur, Otford and
Cronulla stations.
‧Unlimited travel on Sydney Buses services in the red, green and purple
areas - all zones.
‧Unlimited travel on Sydney Ferries services.

我感覺SydneyPass提供無限次去的地方 實際上可能只會去一次 或是時間有限根本去不了

但是 TravelPass 要去Bondi或是藍山等地又要另外買票

最後還是覺得買TravelPass比較划算 不知道有經驗的人覺得如何?


Tags: 雪梨

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-12-22T16:10
朋友家現在有四個床位可以供跨年短期出租, 不過僅限女生,而且需要自備睡袋(有床墊,但棉被不夠),最短要訂五天。 若想找在雪梨跨年的短期� ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-12-22T15:52
取之於版上 也要回饋於版上 真的很感激大家的建議 我也大幅度修正了我的行程: 目前還有4個問題想要再請教,待行程最後確認後,我也會po在版上, ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-12-22T15:19
看有沒有到雪梨, BNE, MEL的位置啊 因為比較多家在飛機會多一點 然後繼續上網到Air NZ, Qantas, VB, Jetstar看看有沒有便宜的接後段 試試看吧 ※ 引述《sexhan ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-12-22T04:46
請問版上有經驗的朋友 去年到雪梨大橋下看煙火 雖然很讚 但是 沒有音樂 總覺得有點可惜 請問有人知道 今年的煙火 會配合音樂嗎?! 或是...前幾年 �� ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-12-22T02:52
如果我搭00:45的飛機從墨爾本到吉隆坡 當天晚上要從雪梨飛回墨爾本 從雪梨搭晚上20:50的虎航飛到墨爾本這樣的航班 可以趕得上00:45的飛機嗎?(� ...