Sydney的Cityrail - 紐澳

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-12-10T17:11

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Changes to CityRail fares
Posted: Tuesday 8 December 2009

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today granted a
submission for a fare increase which will take effect from Sunday 3 January

Single tickets for journeys from 5km to 65km will increase in price between
20 cents and 40 cents. For other journeys they will remain unchanged.

7 Day RailPass tickets will increase in price between $1 and $3 for journeys
less than 175km and $4 for journeys more than 175km.

We recommend customers allow extra time on the first weekday of the fare
increase, Monday 4 January to purchase their ticket.

The table below outlines the changes. Fare calculator data on this website
will be updated when the changes are introduced.

║距 離║成 人║ 非巔峰 ║ 一周票 ║
║ (km) ║單 程║ 來 回 ║ 火車 ║
║ 5 ║ 3.20 ║ 4.40 ║ 25 ║
║ 10 ║ 3.60 ║ 5.00 ║ 29 ║
║ 15 ║ 4.00 ║ 5.40 ║ 31 ║
║ 20 ║ 4.20 ║ 6.00 ║ 34 ║
║ 25 ║ 4.60 ║ 6.40 ║ 38 ║
║ 30 ║ 5.00 ║ 7.00 ║ 40 ║
║ 35 ║ 5.40 ║ 7.40 ║ 43 ║
║ 45 ║ 6.00 ║ 8.20 ║ 47 ║
║ 下 略 ║

║區 段║ 舊的價錢 ║ 新的價錢 ║
紅 色║ 38  ║  41  
綠 色║  46  ║  48  
黃 色║  50  ║  52  
粉 紅║  53  ║  57  
紫 色║  60  ║  63  

還好公車沒跟著漲。 =.=;


今日も今も何もないけど 声が届く場所探している

争ってる人見る度 早くあなたに会いたい

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-12-11T05:15
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-12-15T16:54
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-12-16T17:14


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-12-10T15:52
最近想買一張無線網卡 看上了一張二手optus的 但是沒有附sim卡 請問一下要買pre paid的話是直接去optus的直營店買一張30元的sim卡嗎 那上網方案的話是奧�� ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-12-10T15:19
33/29 George Street 就在QUT Garden Point前面 吹水站樓上 主臥房出租 一星期150全包 跟一個台灣女生共用房間 廚房餐具都已經有了 12/24號可以住進來 ┌ ...

旅伴以及短期住宿(perth) 12/15-12/22

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-12-10T11:05
男生一名 12/15 arrive perth 12/23 早上會離開 這段期間有人能提供短期的share room嗎 另外找尋這期間的旅伴一起晃perth 感謝 --


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-12-10T11:04
昨天在上課的路上拿了一份報紙 結果裡面寫說Cityrail又要漲價了 囧 剛剛還去查了一下以防萬一我看錯 沒想到在去年的新聞就有說了= = 太搶錢了吧 Orz ...

請問奧克蘭的Mt Smart Stadium

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-12-09T19:39
請問有版友去過akl的Mt Smart Stadium 看過演唱會之類的表演嗎? 今天到圖書館發雜誌時,才發現喜歡的團要到akl開演唱會!! 超級興奮!!!!!!!!!!!! 不過那時我 ...