teleconference for EB based Interview - 移民

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-09-29T03:19

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※ 引述《bigcow637 (Dexter)》之銘言:
: ※本篇新聞來自__USCIS website 9/20/2017
: 9/28/2017 2pm to 3pm EST
: USCIS 公聽會解釋最新的EB綠卡I-485面試流程 有興趣的可以關注一下

剛才聽完公聽會 分享一下我筆記的內容 假如有錯請指正

They are taking Incremental approach,I-485 file after 6th March 2017
with approved I-140 will be interviewed, Applicant filed prior 6th March 2017
and applicant’s age under 14 will be not be part of the new interview process.

The new interview process applies for all EB categories.

If your case was transfer to NBC then you are going to have interview,
NBC send notice to you.

The new process apply national wide, all EB applicant are going to be interviewed.

If you are to be interviewed, you Should get interview notice 30 days
before the interview date.

Field officer are under training for interview and they are increasing
the staff at field office to accommodate the new policy.

Officer are suggested not to revisit I-140, but if there is evidence
the I-140 document is invalid then they will deny your 485 and
return I-140 to the service center and revoke your I-140.

Don't need to bring sup J, medical report to field office unless request
otherwise. If they discover they require additional information during
interview, you might get RFE, then supply the document after interview.

The purpose of the inverview is to make sure the eligibility of applicant
is valid. Educational background or work experience.
To ensure the integrity of immigration system.

Processing time will slow down for family based GC.
Total annual EB green card available number remain the same.

When you got your interview notice, there will be a checklist,
the template is not considered to be request for evidence.
If the listed document is not applicable to you then don't worry.
If they really need it you can submit later after interview

You employer is not part of the I-485 process.
Don't need to bring any document related to your company / employer
such as financial report.

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-10-01T16:52
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2017-10-04T01:49
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-10-08T17:23
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-10-12T10:11
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-10-17T02:04 我的面試通知
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-10-17T16:06
George avatar
By George
at 2017-10-18T07:53
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2017-10-21T08:55
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2017-10-24T13:18
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-10-29T09:12
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-10-30T09:49


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-09-27T23:57
大家好 我八月底拿到combo卡 會在十月中回臺灣兩個禮拜 十月底回美 想請問大家 1. 出境美國時應該不用特別拿出combo卡給美國海關檢查吧 ?回美國時就把護照跟combo 卡給地勤看說明原因 不需要也不能用 esta 所以我esta過期了也沒關係對不對? 2. 回美國時中間有一次轉機也在美國 所以我在轉 ...

J1兩年條款(212e, HRR) 申請綠卡

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-09-27T13:10
代問-續 很感謝大家之前有關J1提供的資訊 這次想請教大家有關and#34;兩年and#34;的定義問題 andlt;背景andgt; 我在2011年拿了J1, 2013年迄今拿F1,打算和未婚夫送485 andlt;問題andgt; 在2011 - 2013 (J1結束 - F1 開始前): 總計在 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-09-27T10:52
※ 引述《jefflin74 (混吃等死(._.)a)》之銘言: : 大家好, 十月USCIS開放FB類別的表B讓龜速前進許久的F2A好不容易有大幅度動靜 : 背景是F1 OPT STEM到07/09/2018, 2016十月跟綠卡老婆(於2015年中由EB拿到)結婚且送出I-130 : I-130至今還是c ...


George avatar
By George
at 2017-09-27T06:53
大家好, 十月USCIS開放FB類別的表B讓龜速前進許久的F2A好不容易有大幅度動靜 背景是F1 OPT STEM到07/09/2018, 2016十月跟綠卡老婆(於2015年中由EB拿到)結婚且送出I-130 I-130至今還是case was received, 查了該處理中心還在審08/2016的文 ...

waiver問題請教(sponsor's view)

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2017-09-26T11:29
各位大大好 想請教有相關經驗的大大有關拿J1簽證waive 兩年條款的問題 我是台灣人 目前在NIH上班 資金來源大部分來自非美國國家 一部分來自美國 DS-2019上有兩筆錢的來源 來自美國的資金似乎為NSF給我們老闆後 以老闆名義(sponsorship寫我們老闆名字)給我 的stipend(給我 ...