Tertiary staff to walk off the job - 紐澳

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-05-20T18:10

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Tertiary staff to walk off the job
Tom Reilly
May 17, 2009
STAFF at six Victorian universities will hold a 24-hour strike on Thursday
over demands for improved pay and conditions.

More than 80 per cent of members of the country's largest higher education
union at Melbourne, Monash, Deakin, RMIT, Victoria and Swinburne universities
supported the walk-out, which is expected to see most teaching classes

The National Tertiary Education Union is demanding a 20 per cent pay rise
over three years, a reversal of the casualisation of the workforce and better
conditions for staff, including reduced workloads and payment for time spent

Union secretary Matthew McGowan told The Sunday Age that staff were "simply
demanding a fair deal".

"The main issue is that there has been a huge impost put on workers over the
last 10 to 15 years: staff-to-student ratios have gone up significantly,
we've had workloads go through the roof and people being asked to do more for
less," he said.

"Eventually, people stop being willing to say 'yes' and their anger and
frustration is reflected in the vote over this industrial action."

The union, which has 10,000 members in Victoria, says negotiations on pay and
conditions have ground to a halt almost a year after initial claims were put
on the table.

The results of the vote for strike action were announced late on Friday,
although the returns from a ballot held at La Trobe will not be known until

Some universities have previously told The Age that the financial crisis had
affected their ability to pay higher salaries, while others were waiting for
the federal budget before entering into negotiations.

Mr McGowan defended the pay claim, saying it had been revised down to account
for the financial crisis and, at about 6 per cent a year, was not excessive.

There's a sign on the wall.
http://blog.pixnet.net/mattel But she wants to be sure.
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.

Tags: 紐澳

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-05-24T21:08
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-05-25T04:10


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By Catherine
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By Tom
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By Zanna
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By Kelly
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