Thank Canada for protecting right whales - 生態環境討論

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2003-08-20T04:23

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Dear Sean,

Here's your chance to recognize and appreciate good environmental stewardship
by thanking the Canadian government for changing the commerical shipping
lanes in the Bay of Fundy, where most of the world's remaining North Atlantic
right whales spend the summer. The move marks the first time shipping lanes
have been altered to protect an endangered species.

The change was made after a 4-year effort by World Wildlife Fund and other
conservation groups to convince decision makers that moving the lanes would
reduce the risk of ship-whale collisions by 80 percent and would not
compromise ship safety. The lane-change effort was bolstered when Irving
Oil, which owns the largest tanker fleet using the bay, threw its support
behind the move.

(或右鯨 Right Whale, 因早期捕鯨人將他捕殺後都是右側朝上浮起 故名)
除了四年來WWF和其他保育組織的努力外 同時要感謝Irving-Oil的支持
如此可將鯨船相撞事件的發生降低80 percents

Think, talk, feel.
And life will be different.


All Comments


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2003-08-16T17:53
ECOphilia怪怪的 ECO不只生態學ECOlogy啊 還有ECOnomics經濟學 生態學(ecology)的eco即是希臘字根oikos, 意指家戶的研究, 這裡的家戶指的就是我們生活的整個環境。 (摘自鄭先佑 基礎生態學ppt檔) 改成BIOphilia如 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2003-08-08T04:45
其實是看了前面全部的文章,才有感而發的. and#34;買了幾千塊的寄居蟹再全部放生and#34;.....;那篇文章真是又臭又長但卻讓我有種同樣 感慨的釋放,哭得稀瀝澕啦. 不知道這樣的看法對不對.. 其實會覺得對地球而言身為人類有點可恥,國中時和家人去過海邊旁的漁市場, 親眼見識到人對and#34;海鮮 ...

Goliath Frog

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2003-07-28T11:20
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Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2003-07-27T14:18
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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2003-07-22T22:46
版乾了很久   都是我太不盡責了 andgt;_andlt; 這幾個月經歷了一些事   看得更多 想的更多 思考得也更深了  從前太過於偏激的想法  現在自己看來真的是欠缺說服力 並且一個勁地一廂情願  乍看之下 對於事情似乎能夠有更為周嚴和成熟的思考  可是同時卻也喪失了我很大部分的熱情  我還需要一 ...