that子句的用法20點 - 社會議題

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-04-04T00:00

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以下是我文法老師出的問題 我想要問我回答ㄉ正確性!
因為親愛的老師把題目用到super長.... 以下句子合文法 寫O 不對 寫X
[ O]1That everything the media reports is the truth is something that we can question about.
[X ]2.Everything happens for a reason is the thought the speaker left his audience.
[X]3.The first reason is because they will help you develop the skills you need to get good grades.
[O ]4.It is widely believed that mental illness is reflected in paintings of mentally ill artists.
[O ]5.The fact that women who wear make-up in business generally get better jobs, get promoted more quickly and get paid more.
[ x]6.It is him that comes home drunk seven days a week is not actually a good sign.
[x ]7.The fact that someone knows how to contact us and we don't even know them.
[x ]8.One problem that the fuel for planes are costing way too much.
[x ]9.Have you ever wondered that if what I had heard was true?
[o ]10.One of the students remarked that she will often go back to the novel and re-read bits that puzzled her.
[x ]11.Yuko wants us to attend every meeting next week is important for us to keep in mind.
[o ]12.That the concept of clause as a constituent of the sentence is not an easy thing for students is self-evident.
[o ]13.You may complete your project however you please because I don’t care one way or the other.
[x ]14.Mary asked Pete that if he had passed the test.
[O ]15.The teacher warned the kids not to touch the art works.
[o ]16.The fact that she was sick is true.
[o ]17.That exercise is good for health is obvious.
[x ]18.That what he said is very reasonable.
[o ]19.Whether he likes the idea is not clear to me.
[o ]20.The theory that the earth is the center of the universe was proven wrong.

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-04-07T15:55
感謝版主 Tony Yao 邀請回答。就版主所說這些題目是針對名詞子句而言,我的看法跟無極專家有些相同有些不同。
[X]5.The fact that women who wear make-up in business generally get better jobs, get promoted more quickly and get paid more.
黃色部分是名詞子句當前面 fact 的同位語,所以這個句子缺少了主要動詞。可以參考無極專家的處理方式讓句子正確,這部分我跟無極專家的看法一致。
[X] 3.The first reason is because they will help you develop the skills you need to get good grades. 這句是錯的,所以版主原來的回答正確。因為 because 只能帶出副詞子句,並不能帶出名詞子句,所以黃色的部分並不能視為名詞子句當主詞補語。應該要把 because 改成 that。
[X]13.You may complete your project however you please because I don't care one way or the other.這題應該是錯的,版主答錯了。此句問題在黃色部分,care 基本上是不及物動詞,如果要作及物動詞來使用,必須配合疑問詞 (question word) 一同使用。(請參考劍橋、Oxford、Collins、merriam-webster等或其他字典) 所以黃色的部分應該要改為: I don't care whether one way or the other. 這樣由 whether 開始正好為一個名詞子句,作 care 的受詞。
2010-04-08 16:06:50 補充:
To 無極專家,
對耶...是我弄錯了...謝謝指證喔! One way or the other 是個副詞片語,我整個弄錯方向了。而且加上whether之後,這樣也不能夠成「子句」,這點我真的太大意了。
the reason is because 的確是被用的很頻繁。其實任何語言都會有這樣的問題,這似乎就是個社會語言學的議題。因為大眾的廣泛使用,使得原來字詞或者語法變得模糊了。不過既然是文法問題,龜毛一點回答比較好吧! ^_^
[X] 3
[X] 5
[X] 10
2010-04-08 16:19:43 補充:
後來看到版主將題目改過,這些題目是測驗大家對 that 子句的用法,那麼就不只是名詞子句了,因為三種子句 that 都可以帶出來,這也是很多學習者對 that 子句容易混淆的原因。
10. One of the students remarked [that she will go back to the novel and re-read bits (that puzzled her)].
此句中有兩個 that 子句,第一個 that 子句 (中括號部分) 為名詞子句,第二個 that 子句 (小括號部分)是形容詞子句,因此要分兩部分探討。
2010-04-08 16:29:58 補充:
第一個 that 帶出名詞字句,並且此句的形式正是標準的間接表達 (indirect expression),間接表答句中的時態必須配合主要子句中的時態。主要子句的主動詞 remarked 是過去簡單式,間接表達中的 will 就必須變成 would。
第二個 that 帶出形容詞子句,修飾先行詞 bits。通常在形容詞的限定用法中,被修飾的名詞或先行詞之前會有指示詞,指示詞包含了: 所有格,指示形容詞,不定形容詞,冠詞等。
除了可以像無極專家提出的 the bits, 也可以 those bits, some bits
2010-04-08 16:32:02 補充:
[X] 5
[X] 10
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-04-07T23:33
我仔細看過您的每一個答案, 答得真好, 除了下面三題:
[O]3.The first reason is because they will help you develop the skills you need to get good grades. ← 這句文法完全正確! 其中you need是修飾skills
[X]5.The fact that women who wear make-up in business generally get better jobs, get promoted more quickly and get paid more. ← The fact is that...
[X]10.One of the students remarked that she will often go back to the novel and re-read bits that puzzled her. ← will改成would; the bits
2010-04-05 14:45:38 補充:
關於第3題, 真是抱歉, 我竟然漏看了"because".
Rodin說得對, "The reason is because"確實應改為"The reason is that", 或者"It is because"才對, 因為The reason is because = The reason is for the reason that, 這樣就有重複的兩個"reason"造成贅語.
2010-04-05 14:49:48 補充:
其實"the reason is because"在網路上是常見的討論, 我看過很多次, 但卻一時沒注意到這句的because躺在那兒, 我太專注於版主可能認為錯誤點是"the skills + you need to get good grades"了.
網路搜尋"the reason is because"竟然有17,500,000例!! 可見這在英語國家也是普遍的錯誤. 儘管連老外都討論了千萬次, 人們"The reason is because"依然故我.
2010-04-05 15:06:03 補充:
至於第13題,我不同意Rodin的看法. Rodin大概忽略了,此句的one way or the other是副詞子句,而不是名詞子句. I don't care one way or the other是完全ok的,版主並未答錯.
Rodin,請google一下"I don't care one way or the other"就知道了.
Rodin, 容我順便指出"I don't care whether one way or the other"是錯的, 就算把care用作及物動詞,也應是用either而不是whether,因為"I don't care whether"必定是接子句.
2010-04-11 15:07:20 補充:
2010-04-11 15:12:55 補充:
上面2010-04-05 15:06:03 補充
有個筆誤, 應是:
此句的one way or the other是副詞「片語」, 而不是名詞「片語」,


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