USC Annual Halloween Party - 洛杉磯

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-10-22T22:56

Table of Contents

徵一張今天 USC Halloween Party 的票 出 $45 或議價
※ 編輯: KengC 來自: (10/23 02:46)
fishieee:wow. $45. but it's all sold out. good luck. =/ 10/23 03:40
hasucker:天阿~ 去US一晚也只要36... 10/23 10:44

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-10-25T09:22
wow. $45. but it's all sold out. good luck. =/
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-10-29T23:59
天阿~ 去US一晚也只要36...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-10-22T22:50
請問有人有票要賣嗎?? 或是哪裡可以比較便宜點拿到票呢?? 或是有人有公關票求售~~ 都可接受!! 感激~ - ...

DASH downtown Live Map

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-10-22T21:51
For those of you who would like to get around downtown without a car here is the live map of DASH services you can actually see the bus move on the screen ...

10/25 拉斯維加斯+大峽谷西緣 三天兩夜

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-10-22T14:47
我是女生,目前在LA旅遊,住在Irvine。 我想參加10/25拉斯維加斯+大峽谷西緣,三天兩夜的團,有女生要一起同行的嗎? 我看過當天的價格試算結果,四個人是198,也就是每個人47元, 另外加上門票,小費一個人大概147。 真的便宜很多。有人要一起嗎? 請盡速與我MAIL連繫 感謝 行程網址 http ...

October 2009 EZ Transit Pass P3

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-10-22T12:53
October 2009 EZ Transit Pass P3 (洛杉磯縣大眾運輸月票 + 三個區域) ╔═╤══════════╤═╗ ║O│REGIONAL ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-10-22T12:17
找了大華找不到(tmeple city那家) 旁邊的生機飲食店有 但一罐17塊買不下去呀 台灣一包都幾十塊台幣而已 不要求那麼便宜的 但也不要貴的誇張 請問哪裡有賣呢? 不須要有機沒關係 - ...