保育官員違法下台 美保育政策將重新檢討 - 生態環境討論

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2007-07-25T20:27

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(Julie MacDonald)所負責,她在一片醜聞疑雲當中於4月30日去職。


因此,在今年5月9日召開國會委員上,新任副助理部長史卡雷特(Lynn Scarlett)曾承

Fired Official's Endangered Species Decisions Revisited
WASHINGTON, DC, July 20, 2007 (ENS)

Eight decisions made by a disgraced Bush administration official under the
Endangered Species Act could be reversed after questions were raised about
the integrity of the science used and whether the decisions were made
illegally, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said today.

The decisions in question were overseen by former Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Julie MacDonald, who resigned April 30 under
a cloud of scandal.

Her resignation followed a Department of the Interior Inspector General's
report in March finding that MacDonald violated federal ethics rules by
leaking sensitive government documents to industry lobbyists, browbeating
U.S. Fish and Wildlife scientists, and illegally overturning scientific
recommendations to squelch protections for endangered species.

Deputy Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett promised a Congressional
committee on May 9 that she would review endangered species actions that
MacDonald may have inappropriately influenced.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS

My left brain has nothing right.
My right brain has nothing left.

http://www.wretch.cc/blog/weitzern *[m


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市民力量的展現 遠雄大巨蛋環評說明會7/28重辦!

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-07-24T13:55
※ [本文轉錄自 NCCU_SEED 看板] 作者: Valera (樹) 看板: NCCU_SEED 標題: 市民力量的展現 遠雄大巨蛋環評說明會7/28重辦! 時間: Tue Jul 24 13:54:36 2007 發起單位:松菸公園催生聯盟 時間:7/28(六)上午9:30 地點:光復國小活動中心 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-07-24T03:24
關於介面/界面活性劑搜尋到的資料 界面活性劑對土壤吸咐非離子性有機污染物之影響 http://www.epa.gov.tw/b/b0100.asp?Ct_Code=06X0001555X0003028andamp;L= 各種界面活性劑的毒性(動物實驗結果) http://www.lihling.com. ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-07-24T00:52
先在這裡跟讀書會同伴說聲抱歉 這本書的介紹我欠了好幾個月啦OTZ 回想那次讀書會完後 我就突然捲進:研究所找老師 進實驗室 搬家 第一次作實驗就上手的一連串事件當中(好長) 這就是所謂的人生大起大落的太快嗎? 其實我都還是有斷斷續續上來看文章 也都還惦記著要打介紹這件事(瞧~ 我都把書帶來台南了) 每次 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-07-24T00:39
什麼是介面活性劑??要討論之前應該先搞清楚這是什麼東西吧 http://0rz.tw/b20oN http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1005022100377 http://chemedu.pu.edu.tw/lifechem/nature5-1.htm ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-07-23T19:20
以滯塵率來說的話 其實喬木的效果並不佳 而是灌木的效果比較好 若是非要用喬木的話 榕樹、構樹和茄苳 這幾個是不錯的選擇 而其中榕樹的抗塵性最佳 資料來源:綠化植物對都市落塵與懸浮微粒滯留及抗性之比較研究 by 台大 張育森 教授 ※ 引述《weitzern (高級雜工)》之銘言: : ...